Author Archives: Family Magazine

How to be Focused and Concentrate with Adult ADHD

According to ADHD statistics, 2.8% of adults live with ADHD globally, with reports indicating that many adults still go undiagnosed even with this estimate. This may be attributed to the popular belief that ADHD only manifests through constant fidgeting. In fact, it manifests in various ways, such as impulsiveness, poor time management, and lack of focus. With these symptoms, living an unsupervised adult life can often become a problem. Fortunately, there exist various ways to cope with inattentiveness. Here are some tips on how to be focused and concentrate during your everyday routine.

Get a Planner for Starting Tasks

Planners may be the go-to for setting deadlines, but they can also be a multipurpose tool, coming in handy as a reminder of when to start your projects. To get the best out of planners, go for one with clearly designated dates for each month of the year. Plan out your week in advance, and write down each day’s tasks. Your schedule should include time slots of when to start your daily tasks and how long you expect to complete each. The idea is to cross off each when you accomplish it, setting the foundation for a proper pace.

If, however, you cannot find a good planner during your visit to the store, simply create one from an unused notebook. Start with weekly schedules and then scale it up to monthly plans.

Use a Timer

A timer also goes hand in hand with a planner and is another way to focus and concentrate during your tasks. For starters, set your timer to intervals of 40 minutes. If you get your work done during this period, then consider sticking to this 40-minute time slot. However, keep in mind that your time may vary based on the tasks at hand, so consider switching it up for each project. Simple phone timers will work for this, with additional online focus apps also helping you stick to a determined schedule for each task. The latter option often comes with rewards, making it a fun technique for improved motivation.

Start Small and Scale-Up

If you are struggling to get started on any task, it may be causing you anxiety, you are bored of it, or you simply have no proper skill to go about it. Rather than let procrastination derail you, start small on what you can complete. By doing away with small tasks first, motivation will soon set in, allowing you to figure out how to get over the larger hurdles.

Use Visual Reminders

Utilizing visual reminders comes fourth on our how-to be focused and concentrate list. Unlike other focus techniques, these introduce a fun element to an otherwise dull day. They act as another way of reminding you of what you should be doing during various times of the day. Where possible, color code each task on your visual reminder to allow you to view them even when you are away from your desk or workspace. Morning tasks can, for instance, be marked with a different color from afternoon tasks. The most common visual reminders to use include flashcards, with the option of customizing with your home-based art supplies.

In addition to visual reminders helping you stay on track with your current work, they can also help you keep track of your future goals. Rather than using flashcards for this, you can have printouts of rewards to remind you of what you wish to get after each task. This can be rewards such as getting a vehicle after long-term projects or simpler incentives such as a take-out at your favorite eatery.

Clear Distractions Before-Hand

Focusing on getting payroll done when your favorite show runs on your tablet is no way to start your day. Before beginning your work, take note of any obstacles that may cause distractions and get rid of them. This includes phone calls, social media, and chores you may need to take care of. You can, for instance, slot your chores for later on in the day after you complete your work or have your phone on ‘Do not disturb mode’ to help with better concentration.

Have a Consistent Sleeping Schedule

Part of our how-to be focused, and concentrate schedule also comes from getting enough rest, specifically a good night’s sleep. During sleep, your body gets rid of toxic waste, which goes a long way in supporting healthy brain function. This results in better attention spans, allowing you to concrete on your everyday tasks. Focus on implementing a good sleeping schedule with a gradual winding down routine is the best place to start. Allow your body to transition from your everyday activities such as watching television or doing chores. This means minimizing electronic usage as your bedtime nears and any harmful vape habits you may have grown accustomed to.

Some practices to consider implementing include taking a warm bath or reading a book. Stick to your preferred schedule until your body fully adapts to it for better attention spans during the busy parts of your days.

Switch Up Your Tasks

Concentration can sometimes be fleeting, and no matter how hard you try, it may still be unforthcoming. When this happens, try switching up your tasks to get multiple jobs done at a time. The rule of thumb on this seventh is how to be focused and concentrate tip is to switch it up to three tasks at a go, as juggling more can signal a downward spiral. If you cannot focus on your chosen task for the hour, move on to the next chore on your plate. Depending on how long each lasts, you can go back and forth in intervals until you get both done. As you get the hang of it, try sticking to your laid down time frame for both to ensure that you do not waste any time.

Schedule Breaks In Between Your Work Sessions

Another tip of how to be focused and concentrate on taking breaks between work sessions. These can comprise 15-minute dancing sessions, lightly walking around the house if remote working, or going for bathroom breaks. You can also check your email during this time, with priority falling on urgent work-related emails. Breaks should allow you to unplug from your current work, allowing your mind to wander just enough without getting you too distracted.

Practice Deep Breathing Exercises

Deep breathing also acts as another method of focusing and concentrating, helping you stay in the present when your thoughts seem scattered. For your deep breathing exercises, breathe in slowly and count to 10. Let your abdomen rise with each inward breath and feel the release with every outward breath. Do this at least 10 times as you focus on your breathing. Along with this, practice mindfulness consistently, with meditation working well for this. It will especially come in handy when you have a business dispute to take care of or when you have a pending case of giving baby up for adoption for your client that can often seem overwhelming.

Use Hand Held Fidgets

Numerous people take to work their fidgeting and stress relieving toys, with the Koosh ball acting like a favorite for most. As an adult trying to cope with ADHD at the workplace, this is another ideal how to be focused and concentrate tip that helps you channel your distraction. Shop around for what works best for you and utilize it when you feel inattentiveness kicking in. If you prefer to keep it minimal, a pen and paper will work just as fine. Write down notes during meetings and any thoughts during these sessions. You can also use your pen as a fidgeting device to roll around your fingers for this concentration technique.

Get Support from Your Co-Workers

Being an employee with ADHD comes with its unique set of difficulties and can often present challenges when working with colleagues who have no proper way to address it. Try opening up to supportive workmates when you have difficulties maintaining your focus at work. Educate them on simple how to be focused and concentrate practices that can help you stay on track and ask for help when you need it. This can include requesting better work accommodations such as having your desk away from open areas and pathways that cause distractions. Where possible, you can also ask for closed office spaces.

ADHD support groups can also help in handy when you have no workplace support, with most online platforms offering avenues when you need help. They also allow you to have an accountability partner to help you prioritize your goals, keep in line with your progress and celebrate wins with you.

Use ADHD to Your Advantage

ADHD can often be frowned upon as a disability, while it has its share of positives. Numerous adults with ADHD work best in different scenarios, an aspect that often comes with heightened focus during these periods. Take note of conditions that favor you, with the most common being music in the background and, in some instances, being in noisy rooms. Work with your strengths and recreate these conditions in your workplace where possible, with earplugs coming in handy for the above-listed examples. If, however, you prefer the outdoors, consider requesting office work arrangements or consider getting your work done during your commute to the office. Suppose you are a young adult looking to complete your education. In that case, you can also sign up for community colleges to allow you to accelerate your learning period rather than get stuck with extended study periods that may not work in your favor.

Get a Regular Exercise Routine

Exercises have been found to provide a mood boost for the majority of people, often injecting a fresh burst of energy both physically and mentally. Exercise releases neurotransmitters such as dopamine which helps with better thinking, a chemical that most people with ADHD have a shortage of. Some exercises that come with these benefits include:

Aerobic/Light Exercise

Light exercises, specifically aerobic-based, target your heart, an essential component that aids in better concentration. Depending on your preference, a 30-minute workout session is enough to create pathways in your brain that allow it to receive chemicals that boost your attention span. Some aerobic exercises to try include swimming, running, riding a bike, and even walking. While these can be performed indoors, performing them outdoors will reduce your ADHD symptoms considerably, so consider getting these out in nature as you soak in the solar.

Martial Arts

Martial arts have been considered a building block for self-control, which also goes a long way in building a stronger mind. By practicing martial arts, you benefit from improved motor skills, better memory, and overall increased focus and concentration spans. Sports that fall under this category include judo, jiujitsu, and karate.

Strength Exercises

For more experienced exercise fanatics, exercises targeting strength work can also help improve concentration. You can try out lunges, pushups, squats, and weightlifting.

Group Exercises

If, however, you prefer group exercises once in a while, switch it up with basketball or soccer. Apart from helping your brain stay active during your weekly sessions, group exercises will also allow you to stay in touch with colleagues and friends, making for better social support.

Outdoor Exercises

You can also scale up with a mix of other exercises, most notably yoga, rock climbing, and gymnastics. As with the rest, aim for about 30-40 minutes of activity. This will be enough to get your heart rate up and allow your muscles to feel tired.

Consider Neurofeedback Therapy

Neurofeedback may not be a widely utilized procedure for helping adults with ADHD cope with focus given the costs that it comes with, but it has been shown to have its share of positive side effects. To break it down, neurofeedback is a non-invasive form of neurological rehabilitation aimed at changing the behavioral attitude of ADHD patients by changing their brain’s functioning. Among the benefits it has been shown include medium scale improvements in hyperactivity and large scale improvement to attention and impulse tendencies. These aspects constitute a large part of any adult’s life living with ADHD, suggesting that this therapy may prove effective in improving focus and concentration deficit. Note, however, that before getting neurofeedback, first check with The International Society for Neurofeedback and Research to ensure that your practitioner is certified in this area.

Living with ADHD does not have to be a struggle. With the right systems in place, you can enjoy a fulfilled work and personal life balance, helping you live each day to the fullest. Consider utilizing the above-listed tips of how to be focused and concentrate for an improved life with ADHD.

Get Your Kids Involved with Home Repairs

Home repairs can often be a hassle, but if you can turn them into a teaching moment, they can also be a great way to spend some quality time with your family and impart some important lessons. Committing to DIY fixes when possible and getting your kids involved in simple home repairs is a great way to start teaching them independence, responsibility, and a life-long love of relying on their own skills to solve their problems before turning to the professionals for help.

While you should always let them know that it’s okay to ask for help and that sometimes professional assistance is the best way to go for projects that are above your skill level, you can impart a healthy love of hard work by showing them just how much they can accomplish on their own, or with a little help from you. Before too long, you’ll be able to step back and allow them to work out a problem entirely on their own.

You can start with teaching them how to change the batteries in a simple smoke detector or how the light switches work, then up the difficulty as they get older and can handle more complicated instructions. Here are some fun and easy ways you can start to get your kids involved with home repairs.

Fence Repairs

Fixing a broken, sagging, or rotted fence is a great first project to get your kids involved in. Even if they just keep you company and hand you a nail here and there, they’ll likely feel a sense of accomplishment once the project is done. If your children are a little older, you can even let them nail up new boards or help you dig and set posts. Either way, use this as a way to teach them the value of doing small things for themselves whenever they’re capable.

This is also a great time to start teaching them basic safety around tools and what not to do with them. Older children might even benefit from learning more high-concept things, like the basics of how to organize and plan a fencing or other construction project. You can also make sure they know the proper way to use a hammer, a ruler, a level, and so on.

Plumbing Repairs

If the issue isn’t bad enough for you to call a plumbing service, then getting your kids involved in repairing a sink or a drain is a great way to help build their skills and confidence. This is a good project for multiple ages as younger children can assist in handing in tools you may need while older children can assist with the repair itself. This will also help them develop a useful set of skills they can use later on in life, which will likely help their self-confidence as well.

It’s best if you approach complicated systems in an easy-to-digest way at first, then build from there as your children grow or as you realize that they’ve really understood the material. Start with the basics of how drains and pipes work and help us live in modern society, then move to more specific aspects of whatever issues you’re addressing. Teach them both the proper and common names of tools and fittings as you know them.

HVAC Repairs

Repairs to the air conditioner can be more complicated than you might expect, but if you have a good knowledge of the system you’re working with and your children are capable of following your directions, this is a great project to involve them in. Start with the pieces they’re likely to recognize, such as the fan, then add in the more complicated components as you go.

Working on large systems can feel daunting, so be sure to break it down and go in steps so that no one gets overwhelmed. This is also a good time to teach them about safety around large systems and equipment, as well as when it might be time to call in a professional, after they’ve determined the problem is beyond their knowledge or their current skill level.

Heater Repair

Working on a heating system together can help give your kids a useful skillset they can use when they’re eventually out on their own. Whether it’s contained in an HVAC unit, a baseboard heater, or another unit like a radiator, fixing the heat themselves can not only save them money in the future but will boost their self-confidence and help them feel capable.

Depending on the age of your children, now can also be a good time to reinforce more basic lessons, like being careful with tools and not touching hot surfaces. If your children are a little older, they may enjoy learning a little of the history behind the sort of heater they’re working on. Do a little research and pull a few interesting facts to share the next time you get together to work on a radiator or a baseboard heater.

Dock Building

Similar to fencing repairs, building something is a wonderful way to teach your kids self-reliance and give them a sense of accomplishment. This project will look a little different based on the age of your children, but even if you end up doing most of the work, having your kids keep you company while you walk them through the process still gives them valuable knowledge they can apply to their own projects later in life.

Building a dock from scratch gives you a chance to block out every part of the project with them, from the early planning stages all the way through to finish carpentry. By the end, you’ll have not just a new structure, but a well-rounded lesson about seeing things through as well.

Building Repairs

Basic building repairs are an excellent way to introduce your kids to DIY fixes. Start with simple things, like changing the batteries in a smoke detector, before moving on as they grow and can handle more complex topics and instructions. Remember that getting your kids involved doesn’t mean you have to have them do all the work. If you can, work together on larger projects to provide them with not only a safety net but some quality time with a parent as well.

These basic fixes are also a great time to teach them the proper way to use specific tools, such as a ladder. For example, make sure they understand that the base of the ladder has to be flat and stable before they start to climb, that they should keep three points of contact at all times, etc. before you let them move on to the next topic. You can also take this time to reinforce rules about being careful around electricity, such as when changing outlets or switches.

Roof Repairs

Roofing is a large topic and can be home to a long list of lessons and a lot of quality time if you know where to look. Getting your kids involved in roof repairs might be tricky depending on their age, but most children can at least keep a parent company while they plan a project or while they work. If your kids are older and can be on the roof with you safely, use this time to teach them what to look for on and around the roof of a house. Inspect the gutters, check the flashing, and look over the shingles to be sure everything is clean and in good shape.

This will not only teach them basic roofing skills, but also impart some important knowledge about what goes into homeownership and ways to make sure your home isn’t being damaged by something you could have easily noticed and fixed if you had known what to look for.

Asphalt Shingles

As an example of a project to involve your kids in, if your roof has asphalt shingles, you’ll likely need to inspect and possibly replace some of them as they age or if they’re damaged. This project can involve children of various ages depending on how involved you’d like them to be in the actual work. A very young child may only be able to assist in the planning stages of roofing, for safety reasons, but an older child may be able to help you carry tools, correctly set up a ladder, inspect the shingles, and possibly even replace them.

Roofing may seem like a very difficult thing to get children involved in, but children often feel empowered by even the smallest sense of having been helpful, especially if they’re younger or if larger projects are new to them. While it’s never a good idea to push children to do more than they’re ready to handle, many of them will be willing to jump in with repairs so long as you’re around to guide them through it.

Automotive Repair

Fixing simple issues with a car can help give a child or young adult a sense of self-reliance and an increased feeling of self-esteem. Even learning the basics of auto body repair can help jump-start a life-long love of working on cars and relying primarily on their own skills to solve problems.

As with everything else, start simple. Teach them how to change a flat tire and check the oil before you try to show them how to repair an engine, especially in a newer car. If you have older children, you can look into doing more physically intensive work, like body repair.

One of the biggest projects you can undertake with your children is that of restoring a car. While it’s not a project for the faint-hearted and is likely to take upwards of a thousand hours to be fully complete, it will not only give you and your kids a lot of memories and quality time, but the skills it teaches run the gamut from simple patience, to budgeting, to more hands-on work like repairing an engine or changing a flat tire.

Involving your kids in DIY repairs around the home early in their lives, and continuing the involvement as they grow is a wonderful way to teach them not only self-reliance and independence, but reinforce valuable skill sets they can use throughout their lives.

When it comes right down to it, there are many ways to involve others in your DIY repairs you know the sort of opportunities you want to look for. Are your children very young? Stick to simple fixes that involve only a few steps and don’t place them near anything too dangerous. If your children are slightly older, you can add in more complexity and teach them about things like electricity and HVAC systems. If your children are grown or nearly grown, you can involve them much like you would involve any other adult.

Never underestimate the value of long-form projects. Especially if your children are young now, get them involved in a long-form DIY project with you. This will not only give you a lot of quality time together over a number of years, but it will teach your child a long list of useful lessons, not the least of which are independence, self-reliance, and resiliency. Being able to realistically rely on their skill sets to solve their problems also often boosts self-esteem and helps children feel valued and helpful.

While you should always enlist help when a project is above your skill level, imparting a love of hard work and self-reliance in your children is far from a bad thing. Look for any opportunity you can to involve your children in your projects and give them a little of that self-esteem and confidence yourself. They’re sure to thank you for it when they’re older.

8 Reasons Why Your Family Should Adopt a Dog

Have your kids been begging you for a dog? Maybe you have been considering adopting one. No matter the breed, dogs make loyal lifetime companions and can make any house feel like a home.

Need a reason why you should get a dog? There are so many reasons to bring a dog into your home, and here are eight of them.

Dogs Make Great Companions

Loneliness is one of the most universal feelings, and if you are looking for a reason why you should get a dog, constant companionship is one of the best. Dogs are incredibly intuitive animals and they seem to have a sixth sense for knowing when you need a little extra love and support. You do not have to explain how you are feeling, you do not have to justify what you are feeling, your dog will simply be there for you because they love you.

Your dog does not know how to fix your problems, but he does know you have them and that his support will help you. Some people may use a decorative rock or a crystal as a physical reminder of calmness and peace during times of stress, and a family dog can provide the same type of physical touchstone of companionship.

Another universal feeling is the desire to be needed and loved. Dogs offer love and loyalty that are truly unparalleled. Whether you make a ton of money or you live paycheck to paycheck, your dog will be true and loyal and love you. Your dog will give you and your family companionship every single day of her life. All your dog asks in return is for attention and your love.

Dogs Are Calming and Therapeutic

Want another reason why you should get a dog? Multiple studies have found that pet owners are less likely to suffer from depression than those who do not own pets. On hard days when you feel like you would just rather pull the shades shut and curl up in bed, a dog can provide you with love, support, and motivation.

A 2009 study in Japan found that just staring into the eyes of your dog raises your level of oxytocin. Oxytocin, sometimes referred to as the “love hormone,” provides a natural boost in mood and pleasant feelings.

In addition to providing soothing companionship to help ease depression and anxiety, dogs also help give their owners a sense of purpose in life. Research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Network Open in 2019 suggests that people who feel a strong sense of purpose in life are less likely to die from heart disease.

Even if you are not concerned now with heart disease, simply taking your dog for a walk or feeding them in the morning can motivate you on days when you are experiencing lower moods. Not only will walking your dog motivate you to get going, but being out of your home and connected to the outside world can also have a significant positive impact on your mood.

Everyone in Your Family Will Learn How to Care for a Pet

Caring for your new dog goes beyond making home renovations to ensure his safety. Whether you have always owned a dog or you are bringing one into your home for the very first time, learning to care for a pet is one of the most rewarding experiences.

From doctors and lawyers to home inspectors and teachers, everyone is humbled by taking care of a dog. In addition to the daily tasks like taking your dog outside to use the bathroom, preparing food, and walking your dog for exercise, caring for a dog teaches you – and your children – some very important life lessons.

Beyond the obvious lessons children learn, like responsibility and kindness, children will learn social skills and beneficial interpersonal skills when caring for a pet. Need a reason why you should get a dog? Empathy, compassion, motivation, and improved self-esteem are all things both you and your children will gain when you add a dog to the family.

Training a dog takes time, and letting your children help you teach your dog simple commands like sit and stay can do wonders for their own self-esteem. Not only will you and your child feel a sense of accomplishment when your dog obeys, but you will also feel immense pride and joy seeing the look of triumph on your pup’s face when he does something that he knows makes you happy.

Your Kids Will Learn Responsibility

Your kids learn responsibility gradually. From a young age, you teach them to take charge of things like their oral health, then you encourage them to help with things like laundry and floor cleaning. Taking care of their health and helping around the house are important ways to teach your kids how to care for themselves later in life, but having them help take care of a pet will teach them to care for others.

Teaching your children to take care of something other than themselves is another good reason why you should get a dog. Whether you have very young children or teenagers, there are age-appropriate pet responsibilities that they can handle. Experts suggest not giving pet chores to children under five without supervision, but you can help your younger children get the dog water or scoop food into the bowl.

Older children can be responsible for taking the dog outside to use the bathroom, feeding, and providing water. Exercising as a family is a great way to encourage lifelong healthy habits, but on days where you just are too busy, you can have older children take the dogs on the daily walk.

Everyone can help groom your dog, but if you have younger children, make sure they understand the importance of being gentle. If a dog requires medication, task an older child or teenager with making sure the proper dosage is given at the right time.

Dogs Encourage Social Interaction

Another reason why you should get a dog? As mentioned above, owning a dog helps to reduce feelings of loneliness, but having a furry friend can go a step further. Children make friends easily. With close interactions at school and after-school activities like sports and dance, kids are frequently around others with similar interests.

As you age, getting out and finding new friends tends to become harder, and that makes sense. Adults spend so much time at work, cooking behind ovens, and caring for a family that finding time to socialize can be difficult. If you are looking for friends, social interaction is one reason why you should get a dog.

A British study found that 40% of dog owners speak with other dog owners during their daily walks. Why? It is easy to acknowledge an adorable little pooch, and research has shown time and again that once people begin to discuss their dogs, they tend to open up more and conversation flows more freely. Much like stories about children, people love telling funny or cute stories about their furry family members.

An additional study in Applied Animal Behaviour Science specifically looked at the social lives of families before and after adopting dogs. This 1996 study found that families had more social interactions, both inside the home entertaining guests and outside of the home following the adoption of their pet dogs.

Know a single family member? Encourage them to adopt a dog! Appearing more attractive is another reason why you should get a dog. Studies have found that men are more likely to ask women for their phone numbers if the women have dogs with them. Additionally, numerous studies have found that having a dog in a profile picture on a dating app makes people more likely to express interest. The assumption is that people with pets are caring and empathetic, which are highly desirable traits in a partner.

Your Family Will Get More Exercise

Ask any family physician what families could use more of and exercise will almost certainly be the top answer. With different schedules to keep, school, and work, finding time to exercise can be difficult. But if you are looking for a reason why you should get a dog, exercise is a great one.

One of the reasons that exercising as a family is beneficial is that children learn what they experience. Modeling healthy behaviors, like daily walks, will help your child learn to prioritize their health and will make them more likely to continue healthy habits later in life.

Walking the dog is great, but that is not the only type of exercise you can enjoy with your dog. Some families like to take a dip with their pups on a hot summer day, while others love spending lazy Saturdays playing fetch.

Dogs Teach Children Unconditional Love

A good reason why you should get a dog is to help your child feel compassion and love free from judgment. Everyone has things they do not like about themselves or things that they can improve, but dogs have a unique ability to love everyone just as they are. You may think you need varicose vein treatment to make yourself more attractive, but your dog thinks you are beautiful and deserving of love no matter what. Your child may feel a dip in self-esteem after receiving a poor grade on a test, but the family dog will still think that your child is the best human to walk the earth.

This unconditional love and support not only makes children feel good about themselves, but it can also help them learn to trust. When a child understands that a pet will be by their side steadfastly no matter what else is happening in their life, they learn to trust, which will help them form more meaningful relationships.

Another skill children learn when caring for dogs is respect. Respect is a crucial part of interpersonal relationships, and young children will learn boundaries through caring for a dog. It can be hard to expect a child to understand boundaries, but with a dog, it is easier. Children will learn that gentle touches are required and that there are times, like eating and sleeping, when boundaries need to be respected.

While it is never pleasant to think about the death of a dog, learning how to grieve is a skill that humans need to develop. Children are more resilient than adults when it comes to bereavement, but they still experience loss in a profound way.

Dogs Can Protect You

Need one last reason why you should get a dog? Whether you are a premises liability injury attorney, pastor, or entertainer, dogs can provide you with protection. Even with a high-tech security system, your home can be vulnerable to attacks. There have been surveys done among prisoners charged with burglary, and an overwhelming number of respondents said that home security signs are not necessarily a deterrent. However, a barking dog was frequently cited as a deterrent for would-be burglars, particularly if the dog sounds large or intimidating.

Beyond providing home security, dogs are highly tuned in to their human companions and can sense when something is wrong. In part, this is why the concept of medical and service dogs is so popular. While adopting a family dog is not the same as receiving a highly trained service dog, your dog will know when something is not quite right with one of its humans and can alert you to potential danger.

Stress is one area of concern for many American households, and a significant reduction in stress is another reason why you should get a dog. Between the emotional companionship, physical activity, and sense of purpose that caring for a dog gives an owner, dogs make life more fun. Sometimes, the best thing in the world is seeing your dog’s tail wag as you walk in the door from a long day at work or school. Dogs give so much, require so little, and make every home a happier one.

work together as a family

How to Include Kids in Home Renovations

Home renovations, though often necessary, are something that many people enjoy. That’s why HGTV has a whole network of shows dedicated exclusively to people performing home remodeling. But when you start thinking about how to work together as a family to remodel your home, things get a little bit trickier.

That’s not to say that it can’t be fun, because it absolutely can be. But having children around when renovating your home provides a different set of challenges, and can create added stress.

If you can figure out fun ways to work together as a family, and accommodate your children’s needs, then a family home remodeling can provide a lot of opportunities for fun and growth. And of course, you want to make sure you do things as safely as possible, so you don’t end up needing to seek medical attention for anyone.

First, start by knowing what to include your kids in, and what to leave them out of. Some things children just aren’t capable of doing, and it will also depend on their age. For jobs that kids might not be able to help with, like roofing or wiring, it can be a good idea to take them on a mini-vacation and let the roofing companies do their work unhindered.

If you don’t want to get your kids out of the house, you can always give them scaled-down jobs to make them feel like they are helping, even if they aren’t. What these jobs are will depend on the job you are doing, but you can get creative with it, especially if you have younger kids.

work together as a family

If you are going to work together as a family for most of the renovations, you should also take into account the child’s schedule. Doing it in early spring, when they have to go to school and worry about homework, could be stressful for them. But doing it in the summer will be a lot less disruptive, as they won’t have school, there aren’t any major holidays, and it will be easier to carve out the time to do it.

Once you’ve thought of these basic things, you can start to think about your specific renovations, and what your kids can help out with in each area. A good way to easily work together as a family is to create a plan that everyone can follow, so you have an idea of how to move ahead.


No, this doesn’t mean the sport. Oftentimes, remodeling your home might mean putting in a new fence, or repairing the existing one. Depending on how old your children are, they could help you with the actual building, making it easy to work together as a family for this project.

But if you have younger kids, it might be best to leave them out of the construction. You could hire a fence company to come in and build it for you, or do it yourself and just keep the kids occupied. A good way to do this is to give them a toy construction set or fake tools— let them feel like they are helping, while also keeping them out of your way.

When it comes to painting the fence, this is a job that almost anyone can help out with. Kids, especially younger ones, love paint, so it can be a fun activity for your family. This is a great time to let the whole family help out, even if it means you have to come back and touch it up later. It can also help you teach your kids how to properly paint, and for younger ones, you could even have fun teaching them how to mix colors!

Yard trimming

Even if you’re not renovating your home, keeping bushes and trees trimmed is important. But once again, this can be a difficult and dangerous activity, so your kids may not be able to help out.

Tree trimming is likely something you want to keep kids away from unless they are much older. Tall ladders and falling branches can be hazardous. But bush trimming is something kids may be able to help with.

If you supervise them closely, and show them how to do it, most children could use a pair of hedge trimmers safely. If even that is too much, you can once again get them a fake pair, or occupy them with something else. And, once the trimming is done, they can help you carry all of the branches and leaves away. Even young ones could grab small branches and feel like they are helping.

work together as a family

Sometimes, you may want to keep children away from these activities entirely. In that case, you can have them work on something else, like gardening or yard decorations, while you do that.


Whether you grow flowers, vegetables, or herbs, gardening is an area that makes it easy to work together as a family. Children of all ages can help with gardening in one way or another.

Younger children can help dig holes for plants, as they love getting messy, and maybe help pick out plants. Older kids could help you plant or repot the plants, and maybe help plan the garden. And anyone can help water plants.

If your family has a garden, it is a great opportunity to get everyone involved and have fun while doing home renovations. Plus, you could grow delicious foods that you can then cook with, and teach your kids about how plants work.


While similar to gardening, hardscaping is all of the hard, yet still mobile, elements of your yard. Stones, gravel, walkways, any harder and heavier objects that can decorate your yard or improve its functionality. This can be a great area to work together as a family and get creative with your kids.

Hardscaping elements are also something that you can assign to kids while you work on the stuff they can’t help with, like roofing or tree trimming. You can have them paint rocks to go in the garden, pick out tiles for outdoor living space, or even create a fun pathway, like having your children’s handprints in glow in the dark paint on a stone path.

Hardscaping gives a lot of opportunities for creativity and fun, and is usually something that any kid can help with. It serves as a good distraction when you have to do jobs that they aren’t able to do.

Roofing and siding

This is another aspect of home renovation that kids might not be able to help with. Roofing repairs, putting in a new roof, gutters, and more all mean hazardous ladders and heights. You might want to take your kids on a mini-vacation for this, while you let contractors do the work. Or, you could give them other tasks, like working on gardening and hardscaping, to keep them out of the way.

If you do want to work together as a family on this, you could always assign children small tasks that make them feel helpful but keep them away from danger. Have them find the nails, be “in charge” of supervising you, or even task them with bringing refreshments, like squeezing lemons for lemonade. These duties will give them something to do while keeping them out of danger and letting you get the work done.


When you start indoor renovations, one of the first things you will do might just be demolition. Sometimes there are walls that need to be knocked out, and luckily, this is an opportunity to really work together as a family.

work together as a family

Older kids can help you demolish the wall— after all, what child wouldn’t enjoy being allowed to destroy things with a hammer? Plus, having a kid to do the hard work could help if you suffer from low back pain or other pain issues. Make sure that they wear proper safety equipment and that they are never left unattended.

Younger kids might not be able to help with demolition, but to keep them busy, you can allow them to color or draw on the walls that you will be knocking down. It will give them something to do, and there will be no harm since you’re getting rid of the wall anyway.

Lastly, you could have your kids draw up “plans” of what the demolition will be, and where new walls and fixtures will be going. For kids more in the middle range, this is a great way to engage their creativity and make them feel helpful, even if those plans aren’t the ones you follow.

New wall construction

After you’ve knocked out the old walls, you will likely need to put in new walls, floors, and/or doorways. Again, this can be a risky activity, so it may be best to have younger kids avoid this part. Besides, most kids won’t know how to assemble floor trusses anyway.

If you do want to get kids involved, you can again give them small tasks. Ask them to hold pieces for you, get you drinks, or even provide entertainment while you work. This can help them feel like they are contributing without putting them at risk.

Redoing the wires

Electricity can be unpredictable and dangerous, so this is an area that’s best to steer kids away from. Like the demolition, you could help kids feel helpful by having them draw up diagrams of how they think the wiring will look. It could be funny to you and/or your contractors, plus you could teach them about how it works.

You can also assign them to other tasks while you do this. Having kids create stones for the garden in another room while you do wiring is a great way to work together as a family while keeping everyone safe.

Changing bedrooms

If there are changes being made to bedrooms and bathrooms, it’s a great opportunity to get kids involved. They can help to shape their bedroom the way they want it to be, and really feel like they contributed to improving their living space.

There are a lot of possibilities when doing this. You can have your kids draw out how they want their room to go, and then work with that. You could have them help move things around, and install new fixtures.

Furniture assembly

Many people hate this part of home renovations. Furniture instructions can often be confusing, and a lot of people get stressed. For this reason, you may think that you wouldn’t want kids around. But it can actually be a great opportunity to work together as a family and educate your kids.

Having kids help with furniture assembly can make it more fun, because they will joke around and provide entertainment. It also teaches them two things. The first is how to follow instructions for furniture assembly, which will help them later in life. And the second is how to work with other people, which is a valuable skill that they will certainly need.

Fire protection

When remodeling, you will likely update your fire protection system. Use this as an opportunity to teach your kids about fire safety, and create a plan in case of emergencies. Make sure that they know what to do so if there ever is a disaster, everyone can make it out safely.


Of course, this is the easiest way to work together as a family when doing renovations. Kids love to paint, and if you give them permission to paint on the walls, they will certainly do it. You can also use it as an opportunity to teach them how to paint properly. Even if you have to come back in later and touch it up, it will be worth it for the fun you will have.

work together as a family

Working together towards a better home

Clearly, there are a lot of ways that you can work together as a family to do home renovations. Around 62% of people say that they feel grateful for their kids and family, and if you have fun with renovations and get your kids involved, you will likely be one of those people.

Building a Career: What Options Does Your Teen Have After High School?

Does your teen know what they want to do once they graduate high school? Choosing a career is one of the most important choices teens face as they enter into adulthood. Whether they go to college or not, your teen will have to find something to support themselves. There are many options that can create an excellent income and will still be something they enjoy doing. Here are a few interesting options for building a career your teen may want to consider after graduating high school.

Work as a Welder

If your teen loves technology and building things with their hands, welding can be an ideal choice. Working as a welder can be a lucrative opportunity for your teen when it comes to building a career. There is a growing demand for welding services and a current shortage of welders. Your teen can become a welder immediately without having to go to college. There are many opportunities to advance in welding and earn more income.

The average entry-level welder earns about $40,000 a year and highly experienced welders can earn up to $500,000 annually. The field offers flexible scheduling so your teen can work when they want and pursue other opportunities, such as part-time college, at the same time. Your teen can register with a welding institute and find opportunities around the world as a welder. The valuable skills learned as a welder can be used by your teen to start their own welding business or complete projects for family and friends. The workload for a welder is so diverse that your teen likely won’t get bored from doing the same work every single day.

Take Care of Others as a Nurse

Nursing is an excellent choice for building a career for teens who enjoy helping others. Your teen will need to get a degree to become a nurse. Accelerated programs are available for your teen to get a degree in as little as 16 months. The nursing field is expected to grow by 16% through 2024, meaning that workers are in high demand. The work can be challenging and exciting with a sense of satisfaction while making a difference in someone’s life.

There are many opportunities for advancement in a variety of work environments. For example, your teen can work in pediatric care, emergency room treatment, or hospice care. The work schedule as a nurse can be flexible to meet your soon-to-be young adult’s needs. There is plenty of job security and lucrative wages. A registered nurse can earn approximately $60,000 a year and a nurse anesthetist, which requires additional schooling, earns approximately $149,000 on an annual basis.

Argue Legal Cases as a Lawyer

Building a career as a lawyer can be challenging and lucrative for your high school grad. The average salary for an attorney is approximately $120,000 a year. Top attorneys have the potential of earning million-dollar incomes, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The job offers plenty of opportunities to help others and develop problem-solving skills. There are a wide variety of areas to specialize in as a lawyer.

Being a lawyer is often seen as a prestigious career. It can include office perks like support staff, luxurious office space, gym memberships, and more. The skills learned as a lawyer can be transferred to other careers such as management, consulting, and college teaching. Lawyers can set their own fees, choose the clients they work with, and set their own hours. If your teen loves learning and enjoys a debate, they may want to strongly consider this field of work.

Construct Buildings as a Contractor

Building a career in construction is perfect for a teen who loves being outdoors and staying active. A building contractor can work on a variety of projects and meet new and interesting people every day. Contractors are able to run their own businesses, choose the clients they work with, and set their own hours. The demand for contractors is expected to increase through 2028 by 10% annually. Your teen doesn’t need a college degree to make money in this field, but it can be beneficial for earning more.

Entry-level construction workers are able to make around $15 per hour. General contractors can earn around $71,000 in an annual salary. Building contractors are able to make a significant impact on their communities and experience a high level of job satisfaction. Your teen can choose to work anywhere around the world they desire and travel as much as they want. The skills your teen learns can be used in a wide range of other careers if they choose to pursue other opportunities.

Help People as a Therapist

Becoming a therapist can be a rewarding career choice for your teen. Many people become therapists because they want to help people work through their personal problems. Counseling offers a way to create positive change and bring meaning to a person’s life. The therapy field offers a diverse range of focus areas, from counseling children to working in a drug rehabilitation center. There is steady job security in this field, as the need for therapists is constantly growing.

Your teen will need formal education for building a career as a therapist. Depending on the niche they choose, educational training can take anywhere from two to eight years of college. Therapists are able to set their own hours and work with the clients they choose. Annual salaries can vary from $36,000 to $77,000, depending on the niche they choose and their level of education and experience. Your soon-to-be young adult can make a living as a therapist anywhere around the world.

Innovate as an Engineer

Building a career in civil engineering offers your teen the ability to leave their mark on the world with the structures they build. There are a variety of available opportunities from energy to environmental design and construction. Civil engineers earn approximately $82,000 in annual pay. The demand for civil engineers is expected to grow by 8% through 2024 and beyond. The career offers the ability to meet interesting environmental challenges and service to their local community.

The work involved in being a civil engineer ensures that your teen will never have a dull moment. An engineer not only designs a structure but works first hand with a team of professionals while it’s being built. There are new projects and new people to meet every day. Your teen can utilize their creativity as well as develop their problem-solving skills and have something they can actually show to others from all of their hard work. There are numerous opportunities to travel around the world and explore interesting new places and cultures as an engineer.

Create Beautiful Smiles as a Dentist

Building a career in dentistry can be a rewarding experience for your teen in helping people live healthier lives. Employment growth for this field is expected to grow by 7.6% annually through 2028, which equals about 10,400 jobs each year. Dental work offers consistent income, as patients are scheduled for routine exams, cleanings, and other recommended dental work approximately every six months. Dentists can own their own businesses, set their own hours, and earn a good salary. The average dental general practitioner earns about $190,000 each year and specialists earn around $330,000 a year on average.

While at least eight years of school are required to become a dentist, this career allows dental professionals to save people’s lives by preventing and treating oral diseases. They can help people feel better about their appearance by creating beautiful smiles through a wide range of dental procedures. Your teen can build lifelong relationships with a wide range of people. The skills learned in this field can be used in a variety of other fields as well. Opportunities for traveling around the world and impacting the health of communities are also available.

Heat Things Up as an HVAC Professional

If your teen enjoys problem-solving and working with their hands, building a career as an HVAC contractor could be an ideal option. This career offers the opportunity to work with various types of equipment in new locations every day. Technicians install and repair heating and air conditioning systems for homeowners and businesses. Your teen can start their career by becoming an apprentice and taking classes at night to earn their certification. An HVAC professional can either work through a company or branch off and start their own business.

This job is in high demand with plenty of job security. HVAC jobs are expected to grow by up to 15% through 2026, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Technicians can earn around $47,000 per year on average. Your teen can work wherever they want and potentially earn more depending on the location they choose. Hours can be incredibly flexible and your teen will get the opportunity to meet and network with all kinds of people.

Travel the World as a Commercial Pilot

Another interesting choice for your teen for building a career is becoming a commercial pilot. Flying an aircraft can deliver an unbeatable thrill and no other job offers the kinds of views of the world that this field does. Commercial pilots have flexible schedules and are guaranteed time off in between scheduled trips. As a pilot, your teen can work and live wherever they want. They can have the opportunity to travel the world and see new places and people every day.

Becoming a pilot doesn’t require a college degree in order to make good money. The average salary for a commercial airline pilot is about $130,000 per year. Your teen will need to accrue some hands-on flight training before they can receive their certifications and licenses. As a commercial pilot, your teen can receive flight benefits that can be shared with family and friends. This includes free and discounted travel to any location you desire to visit.

Catch Bad Guys in Criminal Justice

The criminal justice field offers plenty of job security for building a career. There are many different career paths to choose from in the criminal justice field, from being a private investigator to becoming an emergency management director. Salaries can range anywhere from $50,000 to $75,000 per year. Entry-level positions can be obtained with a high school diploma while advanced positions may require a bachelor’s or master’s degree. Work schedules can be flexible, and job opportunities are available all over the world.

The need for criminal justice professionals is expected to grow by 7% each year over the next few years. A criminal justice career allows your teen to make a difference in people’s lives by keeping them safe from harm. The workload can vary from completing paperwork at a desk to engaging in dangerous situations. Criminal justice professionals can receive excellent health and retirement benefits. These benefits can include tuition assistance, life insurance, and favorable health insurance.

Work as a Mail Carrier

Another excellent choice for building a career for a teen that loves to be outdoors is working as a mail carrier. It may not sound glamorous, but it offers steady job security and great pay. Mail carriers have access to great health insurance and can receive a lifetime pension when they retire. Your teen can make up to $63,000 per year without the need for a college degree. In order to become a mail carrier, your teen will need to pass an exam, pass a physical and drug test, and have a safe driving record.

The job can come with some unexpected perks. Mail carriers can receive small gifts from the customers they serve. These gifts can be money, free snacks, and other forms of appreciation. You can meet interesting people and get plenty of exercise, too. There are plenty of job opportunities anywhere in the world.

Building a career is an important decision not to be made lightly. When exploring careers, take into consideration what things your teen is good at and what they enjoy. Have your teen research fields that sound interesting to them and possibly shadow professionals in those fields. Choosing the right career can be tough but rewarding in so many ways. Start exploring careers with your teen today.

15 Life Lessons Every Child Should Have

Having children is one of the biggest responsibilities you will have as an adult. Children can be a handful to manage, but they are a huge part of your life and will more than likely look to you for help and love for years to come. Children are with you forever and will learn from you while likely inheriting many of your habits. This is not always a bad thing, and in fact, emulating good behaviors and habits in front of your children is one of the easiest ways to pass down information to your children that can help them for years to come.

Developing Habits

It doesn’t take long for a healthy habit to form. In fact, habits take only two to three months on average to become part of a daily routine. It’s up to parents and children to pass down information and be able to make these habits generational and ongoing. Anything from healthy eating, to exercise, meditation, and self-care can all be great habits to pass down from generation to generation. In addition, to be able to pass down information can even help one day save your child’s life. Teaching your kids about camping, what to do in an emergency, even how to properly maintenance a car are all vital life skills. Just the same, it’s important to teach children to avoid bad habits as well, such as excessive drinking, smoking, excessive partying, and unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Making Time for Lessons

If passing down information and tips to children is so vital, why don’t all parents do it more often? Unfortunately, modern life is full of stress, work, school, and busy schedules that take up much of our time. It can be difficult to set aside even an hour a day to simply talk to our children about life skills and tips, and even more difficult to make these habits stick if we ourselves aren’t practicing good habits. However, as a parent, you should always make an effort to teach your children life lessons and pass down information. To get started, here are 15 tips you can pass down to your children to help them get started on this journey through life. Continue to make time, teach your children using compassion, and have fun while doing so.

1. Meditating

One of the first things you should do when waking up or winding down at night is to meditate. Meditating and stretching are two forms of releasing tension and energy that aren’t just excellent for adults, but for children as well. Pass down information on mindfulness meditation and even yoga to your children. The sooner you can allow your children to meditate and be able to relax their thoughts and lower their stress levels, the better. If you don’t have a dedicated meditation space inside your home, you can easily do a landscaping project to clear out an area in your backyard and do meditation there. Outdoor meditation, especially during the morning sunrise, can be a beautiful experience for you and your children.

2. Exercising

pass down information

Exercising is one of the most important habits to teach your children. More and more children are presenting with early-onset diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and fatigue due to not exercising. Exercising can be simple to do, and extremely fun as well! Go for a swim in your backyard pool, or join a local sports team to teach your children about teamwork as well. Pass down information that can help children start off small, such as taking the stairs, or walking to the local store instead of driving. The more physical activity you are able to expose to your child, the better.

3. Eating Healthy

Eating healthy can be difficult for any child to do. This is especially true if a parent is constantly bringing in fast-food, doesn’t have time to cook, and doesn’t make an effort to expose their children to nutritious food. Instead of buying fast-food, take time to teach children about the importance of making healthy choices. Start by having your children help you cook or even meal-prep. If you do go out for dinner, make healthy choices and practice portion control, or order off the light-menu. Or, visit a local smoothie shop and order juices with super greens with probiotics. Smoothies and juices can be a delicious way to introduce your children to healthy foods! With so many people making more of an effort to be health-conscious now, it shouldn’t be too difficult to find healthy options even in fast-food restaurants. Always take the time to pass down information on healthy foods to your kids.

4. Expressing Emotions

It can be difficult for children and teens to properly express emotions, especially if they feel parents don’t want to see them cry or yell. However, every child needs to let their emotions out somehow. Not doing so can lead children to grow into adults that don’t have good coping skills for stressful situations, and even lead to anxiety and depression. To prevent this, let your children express their emotions often, and use positive reinforcement when they express positive emotions. If your children has their own room, do a home remodeling project with them so they can fill their room with their own personality and express their emotions this way too. Pink, black, blue, white, let your children explore their own personality!

5. Developing Healthy Relationships

pass down information

As a parent, it’s vital you pass down information on healthy relationships to your children, especially if they are now starting to date, make more friends in school, or even have trouble working with others. It’s important to teach children about the importance of boundaries, maintaining healthy friendships, and not allowing others to take advantage of these relationships or vice versa. The sooner you can show children what is healthy in a relationship, the sooner they can understand and implement these life skills. For instance, what does healthy love look like? When should you cut off friendships? How should a teacher interact with students? These might be some of the toughest, but some of the best conversations to have with your children and teens.

6. Self-Acceptance

Self-Acceptance is easier said than done, and especially in today’s modern world, accepting who you are is key when undertaking anything in life. Let your children know it’s okay to love who they are, and pass down information that lets your children know to accept themselves and any flaws. From body shape to body size, gender, hair color, and everything in between, self-acceptance is key for a child to have to help them grow into healthy, happy adults. Teaching self-love and acceptance can start by developing a self-care routine for your child. It’s never too early to start!

7. Confidence

Just like self-acceptance, having confidence is important for your child to have, even from an early age. Enroll your children in activities that allow them to be confident and prevent social anxiety, such as theater or singing. Or, simply let your children be confident in their abilities to do simple things every day. Confidence can help your children become adults that are able to easily find employment, ace interviews for schools and jobs, and interact with others in a positive way.

8. Exploring the Outdoors

pass down information

Exercising is good and well, but if you’re able to pass down information to your kids about exploring the outdoors, this is a great life-skill to have. If your children go camping for the first time, teach them the basics of navigating, packing the right food and equipment, and even preparing their RV with the proper tools such as an rv sway control system. Let your children know that the outdoors can be a great place to unwind, meditate, and get away from the world just for a little bit.

9. Making Routine Check-Ups

It might not be so easy to make your own medical appointments, and attending doctors appointments can be nerve-wracking. Still, it’s important to teach your children the basics of making doctors appointments, and how crucial it is to follow-through and let medical professionals know about any problems your child might experience.

10. Making Routine Dental Visits

No one wants to visit the dentist all the time, but it’s a part of life that you should let your children know about. As a parent, it’s vital you pass down information on oral hygiene to your children. You can do this by simply brushing and having a good oral hygiene routine with your children. However, if your child is younger than age 2, do not use fluoride toothpaste unless your doctor or dentist tells you to. Make appointments regularly with a good children dentistry office, and get rid of the fear of dentists!

11. Supporting the Community

It’s important to teach your child the importance of being supportive of not just family and friends, but of the community. Pass down information on your beautiful community to your children, and encourage them to help others every day. This can be as easy as shopping at unique locally owned shops, or volunteering at a local shelter or hospital. Trash pick-up, beach clean-ups, and any other community skills and gatherings can also be a great way to teach your children the importance of community as well.

12. Simple Car Maintenance


Your kids will someday be driving and even own a car on their own. But, this doesn’t mean they’ll be well-equipped to handle the pressures and responsibilities of driving if you don’t pass down information to help them. More importantly, teach your children basic maintenance tips to help prevent them from getting stuck on the side of the road. Simple things such as car brakes repair can help prevent your children from getting into accidents as well. Equip them with emergency power tools, spare tires, extra battery cables, and car jacks, and always teach your children the importance of contacting insurance agents and the proper authorities.

13. Simple Home Maintenance

You might find that one day, your children will be stuck at home alone, and call you frantically because they don’t know where that strange noise is coming from, or where that leak is going! You can prevent children from questioning these things and prepare them for when they have their own home by teaching them simple maintenance skills and tips. For instance, if you’re doing roof repair work, take the time to pass down information on the importance of roof maintenance, and let your kids know to report anything they might notice such as cracked tiles or shingles. Involve them in weekly or monthly maintenance projects, such as replacing HVAC filters or cleaning the gutters. Though it might seem boring now, this information will be extremely helpful to your children in the future.

pass down information

14. Expressing Creativity

Children, teenagers, even adults all need to express themselves through creative outlets every once in a while. The great thing about expressing yourself by being creative is that you might find a talent you never knew about! Give your child the tools to express themselves in any area they want. For instance, if they want to get building materials and start designing their own small carpentry items, like tables, bird-houses, even doll houses, this is a great outlet for expression! Painting, music, and any other art form is also vital to allow your children to express themselves and let those creative juices flow.

15. Self-Discipline

What is self-discipline, and how can it help a child develop into a better adult and better person overall? Self-discipline is being able to do your homework on time by yourself, getting to bed early, or even making your bed up every morning. Pass down information on taking self-discipline seriously, even at a young age to your children. The earlier in life your children understand that their choices have consequences, as does their work ethic, the better! There’s no better way to teach this than with a list of simple chores, positive reinforcement, and lots of love toward your children.

15 Things to Consider when Caring for an Aging Relative

Being able to provide comfort and care for aging parents is a goal that many people have in their adulthood. Caring for family as they get older can be rewarding and beautiful, however, it can be time-consuming, difficult, and overall add stress to an already busy life. Moreover, not everyone has the medical knowledge, skills, or knows the importance of elderly care services that are needed to care for aging parents. However, even so, parents and family remain grateful for the children and other relatives that are able to care for them in their time of need and dedicate time to their well-being. In fact, roughly 62% of people report feeling grateful for their children and family, showing just how prevalent taking care of an aging parent or relative is.


As mentioned, not everyone has the medical knowledge and skills to care for an aging relative. In addition, busy lifestyles full of taking care of children, maintaining a home, expanding careers, and even attending school again can all add to one’s inability to care for their parents. In these times, it’s crucial to understand the importance of elderly care services and understand the options that one has to care for their aging parents. Though you can care for your aging relatives at home, there is always the option of seeking long-term care at a skilled nursing facility to provide medical care to your loved one. Besides skilled nursing facilities, having an in-home nurse to provide health care services to your aging parents or relatives is a great option if you’d still like extra help in caring for them. Nevertheless, whether you’re dealing with medical services, financial planning, business planning, or any other pressing matters, it’s important to get help from a professional to provide the right services to you and your family. If you find yourself wondering what the importance of elderly care services is, doing a bit of research into resources in your area can be beneficial. Here is a list of 15 things you should consider when caring for an aging loved one, including medical, legal, and comfortable living services.

1. Visit Doctors Regularly

The importance of elderly care services begins with visiting the right medical professionals regularly. As your parent or loved one ages, it can be difficult for them to fully remember all their upcoming appointments. Make sure to have a system where you can organize and help your aging relatives keep track of doctor’s appointments. A print-out from the doctor’s office of upcoming appointments can be useful. In addition, help attend their medical appointments in order to understand the condition of your loved one, and if need be to help translate if there is a language barrier as well.

2. Keep up with Medication

Medications are essential to help your aging parents cope with illnesses, chronic diseases, and pain. As memory skills begin to decrease, it becomes harder and harder for parents to be able to remember to take their medication at the appropriate times. Even with organized pillboxes, calendars, and alarms, taking medication can be a challenge. If you are able to, make sure to keep track of all medications that your parents are taking, and ensure that they have not overdosed or double-dosed on medications as well. Hiring an assisted living at home nurse can help tremendously to simply help administer medication.

3. Hiring a Care-Giver

As we mentioned above, the importance of elderly care services is that it helps in taking care of simple tasks such as medications. Even hiring a caregiver for 3-4 hours a day to care for your aging parent can be beneficial. However, if you can afford it, seeking a full-time caregiver to do routing assisted living at home chores such as medications, bathing, dressing, and keeping your parent company is all important when considering your aging loved one’s well-being. Talk to your insurance company to see if you are eligible to get help for a care-giver, and ensure your caregiver is a licensed CNA, LVN, or RN depending on the level of care your loved one needs.

4. Considering Senior Housing

If your aging relative wants to be more independent and live on their own, senior housing is a great benefit and can help in easing their transition into independent living. Senior housing costs are low, and living in senior housing can help your relatives become friendly and develop support with other elderly residents. In addition, living in senior housing lets your aging relative enjoy living at home while not having to worry about maintenance on their home, landscape, and other physically demanding chores around the home.

5. Considering Skilled Nursing Facilities

If you are not able to care for your loved one at home, and they cannot be independent by themselves, it should be time to consider a skilled nursing facility to provide senior care services for your relative. A skilled nursing facility provides around the clock medical care for your loved one, which is of the highest importance of elderly care services. Skilled nursing facilities can be covered by insurance, and a plethora of reviews exist online from other family members and their experience with a particular nursing home. Whatever facility you choose, ensure that their doctors are highly rated, that nurses and caregivers greet you amicably when you visit, and that it remains clean and secure in order to keep your elderly family members safe. Different facilities can also cater to different levels of care that your family needs, such as physical rehabilitation, mental health services, and even care for Alzheimer’s and dementia.

6. Senior Recreation Activities

As your aging relatives get older, it can be harder and harder for them to enjoy doing physical activities necessary stay healthy. However, senior workout classes, swimming classes catering to the elderly, yoga, and other programs are all available to help keep your aging loved one healthy and in shape. Besides the health benefits of senior exercise programs, mental health benefits are plentiful. Regular exercise has been shown to boost endorphins, which help keep mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression at bay. If your loved one lives with you, make arrangements to attend these classes, or explore other recreational activities such as art, meditation, singing, dancing, or anything else that keeps your loved ones happy and active.

7. Accessories for Daily Living

As adults, it’s easy for us to dress, grab our keys, go out into the world, and come back home with ease. However, the importance of elderly care services is ensuring that we keep track of all the little things our aging relatives need for their day, including proper clothes, accessories, and money. For instance, if your aging loved one suffers from anemia, dressing them warmly can help keep them comfortable. Ensuring your aging relatives remember their hearing aids, walkers, cell-phones, dentures, wallets, and everything in between is all crucial also. Keep track of all the accessories your relative uses throughout the day, and ensure it is all accessible to them should they leave the house on their own.

8. Using Holistic Medicine

The importance of elderly care services is utilizing every option in order to ensure our aging relatives find solutions for their pain, chronic diseases, and any other issues that get in the way of their comfort. Exhausting every option means turning to holistic medicine, natural remedies, and other natural therapies that can all add on to traditional medicine to give support to our aging loved ones. For instance, if your loved one complains that pain medication is not helping, perhaps acupuncture or using natural pain and fatigue relief cream can all help. Make sure you are dedicated to finding a solution for your loved one and continue to seek help for any ailments that are still causing your elderly relatives trouble.

9. Joining Support Groups

One of the things to consider with the importance of elderly care services is knowing how they can help your loved one not feel so alone when dealing with their aging lifestyle. Support groups are now widely available for anything from alcoholics anonymous, to grief, and even elderly support groups. If your loved one cannot physically attend groups, telemedicine implementation can help so they can participate in support groups regardless of where they are physically. Consider signing your loved one up for groups if they express feelings of isolation or depression, and reach out to programs for meeting times.

10. Eating Healthy

Healthy eating is of the utmost importance to elderly care services. Eating healthy involves having a balanced diet, keeping track of sodium levels, diabetes, and other special diets that your elderly loved one might partake in. If you’re caring for a relative at home, try your best to cook foods that are rich in vitamins, easy to digest, and are full of fiber in order to help your loved one process foods easily. Prune juices, legumes, and papaya are just some of the foods that can help the elderly process foods easier and avoid digestive discomfort. Consider using protein and meal-replacement shakes such as Ensure if your loved one doesn’t have the ability to eat regular meals as well, or if they are at a low weight. Always consult with your relative’s physician to see what foods to avoid and add to their diet.

11. Having Reliable Transportation

Reliable transportation is needed in order to let your loved ones get to and from medical appointments, visit other relatives, or simply go out and have a good time. Having a motorized scooter can be helpful in making your loved ones more mobile. A simple wheelchair that doesn’t stick easily can be just as good also. More importantly, ensure any vehicles have a wheelchair lift or are easy to get your relatives in and out of on a daily basis. Power Vans are now widely available and can help fit wheelchairs in order to transport your loved ones safely.

12. Settling Legal Matters

Besides medical considerations, the importance of elderly care services is settling any legal matters while your loved one is still alive and able to remember important details, in addition to expressing their final wishes. A wills and trusts lawyer can help you and your family navigate through legal documents and proceedings to ensure that your loved one’s last will and testament are ready to go before their passing. Last will and testaments should be handled by your loved one and their attorney, but helping with your loved one’s decision making can prove to be crucial in making the process of settling up a will a little less stressful.

13. Caring for Financial Matters

Just like handling last wills and testaments, outstanding financial matters such as outstanding debt, selling off of assets, selling a business, and any other financial matters should also be settled as soon as possible by you and your elderly relatives. A financial accountant, business consultant, and even legal attorneys can all be necessary in order to accurately handle financial matters.

14. Planning for Funeral Arrangements

Though you might not want to think of it, the importance of elderly care services is that it allows you to help with funeral planning ahead of time. Funeral planning is essential in order to allow your loved one to express their final plans and to make sure there is enough money to help allow their last wishes to be put into place. Whether your loved one wants a certain casket, wants to be cremated, or wishes to donate their body to science, take the time to discuss with your aging relative their options and wishes, and make sure to do everything possible to help in making their wishes a reality.

15. Remodeling the Home

Finally, the importance of elderly care services is knowing how to remodel your home in order to accommodate for a loved one. Install ramps, stair-lifts, and hardwood floors in order to make it easier for your loved ones to move around. Installing a walk-in shower tub, and easy-to-use kitchen appliances can also prove to be beneficial in preventing accidents, slips and falls, and simply making the life of your elderly relative easier.