The South by Southwest Interactive Festival hosted the largest ever adult footed pajama party. There were 309 guests and it was listed in the Guiness Book of World Records. It was thrown by Steve Pandi who founded Jumpin Jammerz. If you think you want to have your own footed pajama party, you may want to consider an adult slumber party. These are great ways for adults to reconnect with their youth and unwind from their stressful and often overbooked lives.
Your Guide to Throwing a Great Adult Footed Pajama Slumber Party:
- Schedule a date. The hardest part of setting up this kind of party may be finding the right date to have it. Doing on the weekend may be your best bet for getting people who do not want it to interfere with their work and career. To get the most people, you should try to schedule this far enough in advance so anyone you know with children can make arrangements for them and people can plan to be out for the entire night.
- Draw up your guest list. Do you plan to have both sexes? Few people have all friends of only one sex so you have to decide what kind of party you want this to be. Onesie adult pajamas are made for men and women so you are not limited by that. Make a preliminary list of your friends and then think about who might be most comfortable being at a party in an adult footed pajama suit. Not everyone will be. Unless you want your party to turn into a reality show, think about any conflicts your friends may have. Decide if people can bring a guest. Do not forget to invite everyone’s spouse or significant other.
- Consider a secondary theme. There are a number of ways you can add fun and flavor to your adult footed pajama party. Consider making it a glow in the dark party where you give them glow sticks, put up black lights and decorate the place with glow in the dark items. Another idea is to take from our childhood and put an adult twist on them. Make it a dance party. What says “fun” like dancing in adult footed pajamas.
- Decorate like when everyone was a kid. If your theme is just the adult footed pajama, and there is nothing wrong with that, get a bunch of big pillows and put out warm, soft blankets. Get balloons, streamers and all the other decorations you used to have when you went to slumber parties as kids.
- Plan your menu. If you have a theme for your adult footed pajama party, the plan for the food may be set but if not, you are open to anything. It is important to think about what kind of food you will have if you plan to have people stay all night. Pizza is always a fun choice. If you have a yard that you plan to incorporate, consider a picnic party. You can lay out blankets in your yard and it will work well with the adult footed pajama party. Snack foods work really well at these party. One thing you can do is offer different kinds of finger foods throughout the night. Breakfast foods are also a great option.
- Think about the beverages. No adult footed pajama, slumber party is complete without adult beverages. Alcohol will make your party more fun but you need more than just that. Make sure you have lots of water and soda. For the morning, make sure you have orange juice and lots of coffee to complete your adult footed pajama slumber party.
- What are you all going to do? You should think about what you are going to entertain your guests with for the entire night. Dancing is a good option but people will need a break from that at some point. Photo booths using people’s phones and a fun backdrop can be easy to put together and be fun to play with. Board games, Truth or Dare and I Never are fun to play.
Have fun with your slumber party. These are great ways to relive your youth as an adult.