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Efficient Moving and Storage Tips: Making Your Move Stress-Free

Permit us to answer: moving to a new house or place of work comes with the good and bad of new experiences. If you are moving across town or even to another state, the right planning and organization go a long way in pulling off the task seamlessly. If you are looking for ways to better plan your next move here are some tips that will help you improve your moving and storage experience courtesy of Robb & Messer Moving and Storage.

  1. Start Early and Plan Ahead

Planning as Far in Advance Makes for a Smooth Move One method to ensure a seamless transition is to start planning when you should. Make a timeline with to-do items like clearing out your home, packing up your things, hiring a moving company, and looking for self-storage if necessary. We recommend planning at a minimum of 6-8 weeks before the day you are needed to be moved out. Fight the urge to procrastinate this part!

  1. Declutter and Donate

I was moving away and this was an excuse to eliminate things. Decide what to keep, give away, and throw out as you go from room to room. In addition to reducing the contents you will be packing, this tactic is also a way to reduce the cost of your move. Most resources tell you to either donate gently used items in your local area or to take them all and set up a yard sale.

  1. Use Quality Packing Supplies

Solid moving boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap, and markers can go a long way in protecting your goods from damage during transport. Make sure you mark each box with its content and to which room it goes.

  1. Consider Storage Solutions

Renting a storage unit Photo by Pixabay on If you are moving out of your current space, wait a while before moving into your new home, or need temporary storage for items that don’t fit in the new home.

  1. Pack Essentials Separately

Put together your ‘first-night’ box with items you will need immediately when you arrive at your new place. This includes your toiletries, medications, extra set of clothes, any important paperwork, and basic kitchen items. While you might want to start from scratch, having these basic things at your fingertips will relieve some of the initial stress of moving in.

  1. Hire Professional Movers

Although it can be more convenient to handle the move on your own, professional movers take less time and are truly life savers. They will have the specialized experience and tools necessary to move your household goods as safely as possible, making your relocation seamless.

  1. Change of Address and Utilities

In addition, make sure you change your address with the post office, banks, subscriptions, or any other relevant institutions. Disconnecting and connecting utilities at your new residence to prevent service interruptions.

  1. Stay Organized on Moving Day

Stay organized on the day of the move with items like keys, important paperwork, and contact info kept in an accessible location.  Speak incisively and supervise the loading and unloading movement to ensure only avert going south.

Stick to these moving and storage pointers to experience a move that you love. And always, planning and preparation make your move a great move. Happy moving!

What a Museum Can Teach Your Kid

Museums are treasure troves of knowledge and inspiration, offering children unique learning experiences that extend far beyond the classroom. From fostering curiosity to enhancing critical thinking skills, museums play a crucial role in a child’s education and personal development. Here are some of the key lessons and benefits that a museum visit can provide for your kid.

Fostering Curiosity and Imagination

Museums are designed to spark curiosity and stimulate the imagination. When children walk through the halls of a museum, they are exposed to new ideas, cultures, and historical periods. This exposure encourages them to ask questions and seek answers, igniting a passion for learning. The diverse exhibits, from dinosaur skeletons to ancient artifacts, captivate young minds and inspire them to explore and discover.

Hands-On Learning

Many museums feature interactive exhibits that allow children to engage in hands-on learning. Science museums, for instance, often include experiments and activities that demonstrate scientific principles in an engaging and understandable way. Art museums might offer workshops where children can create their own masterpieces. This type of experiential learning helps children grasp complex concepts more easily and retains their interest.

Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills

Museums encourage children to think critically and analytically. As they observe and interpret various exhibits, they learn to make connections between different pieces of information and to understand broader themes. For example, in a history museum, children can see how different events are interconnected and how they have shaped the present. This ability to analyze and synthesize information is crucial for their academic success and personal growth.

Cultural Awareness and Appreciation

Museums offer children the opportunity to learn about different cultures and histories, fostering a sense of global awareness and empathy. Exhibits on ancient civilizations, world religions, and diverse art forms help children appreciate the richness of human history and the variety of cultural expressions. This understanding can help them develop respect and tolerance for people from different backgrounds.

Inspiring Future Careers

A museum visit can also inspire children to pursue specific career paths. Exhibits on space exploration might ignite a passion for astronomy or engineering, while art exhibitions might encourage a budding interest in painting or sculpture. By exposing children to various fields and professions, museums can help them discover their passions and potential future careers.

Encouraging Family Bonding

Visiting a museum can be a wonderful family activity that promotes bonding and shared learning experiences. Parents and children can explore exhibits together, discuss what they’ve seen, and share their thoughts and ideas. This interaction not only enhances the learning experience but also strengthens family connections. Visit a Southern California childrens museum today!

cremation services in Greenville, SC

What to Expect From Cremation Services in South Carolina

The choice of cremation is becoming increasingly popular among families in South Carolina for its simplicity, affordability, and flexibility. For those considering cremation services in Greenville, SC or a surrounding area, it’s important to understand what the process entails and what options are available. This knowledge can help make a challenging time a little easier to navigate, ensuring that the final wishes of loved ones are honored respectfully and thoughtfully.

Understanding the Basics of Cremation

Cremation is a process that uses high heat and flame to reduce the body to bone fragments, which are then processed into what is commonly known as ashes. The entire procedure is carried out with the utmost respect and consideration for the deceased, adhering to strict protocols to ensure dignity throughout the process.

Initial Consultation

The first step in arranging cremation services in South Carolina, involves consulting with a funeral home or cremation provider. During this meeting, you’ll discuss the various packages available, which can range from direct cremation without a memorial service to options that include ceremonies before or after the cremation. This is also the time to ask about any paperwork and permits required by South Carolina law.

Customization Options

Cremation offers several ways to personalize the memorial experience. Families can choose to hold a traditional funeral service before the cremation or a memorial service afterward, with or without the ashes present. Additionally, many choose to personalize urns, keepsakes, or jewelry to hold a portion of the ashes, offering a lasting tribute to the deceased.

The Cremation Process

Whether a family is choosing cremation services in Greenville, SC or another area nearby, they should be aware that the process itself is handled with the highest level of professionalism. Once all necessary paperwork is completed, the body is prepared according to the family’s wishes and placed in a cremation chamber. The process takes several hours, after which the ashes are collected, processed, and returned to the family in their chosen urn or container.

Final Disposition

The final step involves deciding what to do with the ashes. Some families opt to keep them in an urn, scatter them in a meaningful place, or inter them in a cemetery. South Carolina law allows for various methods of disposition, providing families the flexibility to honor their loved ones in a way that feels right to them.

Choosing cremation services in Greenville, SC or a neighboring area offers families a way to say goodbye that aligns with their values and needs. By understanding what to expect from the process, you can make informed decisions that reflect the wishes of your loved ones, ensuring a dignified and respectful farewell.

How Organ Donation Centers Keep Families Involved in the Process

The process of organ donation is deeply emotional and significant not only for the recipients but also for the families of the donors. Organ donation centers recognize the sensitive nature of this time for families who have lost a loved one and strive to ensure information for donor families is readily available. Here’s what a family can expect.

Initial Communication and Consent

The involvement of families in the organ donation process starts with initial communication, often at a time of great sorrow. Trained coordinators from organ donation centers reach out to families to discuss the possibility of organ donation. This step is handled with utmost sensitivity and respect for the family’s feelings. If the deceased had previously registered as an organ donor, this wish is shared with the family. However, if there was no prior registration, the family’s consent is sought. This initial interaction is crucial, as it sets the tone for the family’s involvement throughout the process.

Providing Information and Support

Organ donation centers ensure that families are well-informed about the donation process, what it entails, and how their loved one’s organs will save or improve the lives of recipients. They provide detailed information about each step, from medical evaluations to the surgical process, ensuring transparency. Counseling services are often offered to help families cope with their loss and the emotional weight of the decision to donate organs. These services are designed to offer comfort, answer questions, and address any concerns the family might have.

Honoring the Donor

Recognizing the generosity of the donor and their family is a significant aspect of keeping families involved. Organ donation centers often have programs or ceremonies to honor the memory of donors. These can include creating memorials, organizing annual remembrance ceremonies, and offering tokens of appreciation such as certificates or medals. Such gestures help families feel that their loved one’s life-saving gift is valued and remembered.

Keeping Families Informed

After the donation, families are kept informed about the outcomes of the transplant surgeries, albeit in a manner that respects the privacy of all parties involved. While specific details about the recipients are kept confidential, families are often told about the number of organs successfully transplanted and the general impact their loved one’s donation has made. This information can provide solace to families, knowing that their loss has brought life or improved the quality of life for others.

Continuing Support

The relationship between organ donation centers and donor families does not end after the donation process. Many centers provide ongoing support and counseling services, helping families through their grieving process. They may also facilitate connections with support groups of other donor families. Additionally, some centers offer opportunities for families to advocate for organ donation, sharing their stories to raise awareness about the importance of organ donation.

Organ donation centers play a crucial role in supporting and involving families throughout the donation process. By providing information, support, and recognition, these centers ensure that families feel honored and respected as they navigate through their grief. The thoughtful involvement of families not only helps in honoring the donor’s legacy but also strengthens the vital mission of saving lives through organ donation.

Fun Activities You Can Do With Your Child With Down Syndrome

Raising a child is a special experience for any parent and raising a child with Down syndrome is no different. Every parent has good days and not-so-good days with their little ones, but the days that stick out the most are the ones that you really spend together. When you do activities together, you create memories that stand up to the test of time.

Some people may believe that a kid with Down syndrome is limited in the activities they can do, but this a misconception perpetuated by people who don’t really know what Down syndrome looks like. While Down syndrome may slow a child’s development in some areas, they are still more than capable of participating in the activities that every other child can perform. Let’s take a look at some of the many fun things you can do with a child who has Down syndrome.

Arts and Crafts

The arts are a wonderful tool for allowing children to express themselves. As a hands-on activity, the arts will help your child develop their hand-eye coordination as well. Allow your child to explore many different forms of art, such as drawing, finger painting, and crafting. Each option enables your child to experiment and develop a range of skills and they may just find one they’ll love for the rest of their life. Encourage your child to finish the pieces of artwork they start, as seeing the final product can give them a great source of confidence and pride.


Exploring the world through travel is beneficial for any child, but especially for those who have Down syndrome. By going sight-seeing — even in your own town — you’re giving your child an educational and visually-entertaining memory. Visiting places like the zoo will introduce your child to different kinds of animal species while also keeping them physically fit. If you’re able to meet new people along the way, you’ll help your child develop their communication and socialization skills. Look for fun educational opportunities when you travel to make it a truly enriching experience for your child.


Many people who are parenting a child with Down syndrome find that music helps improve their memory. But music offers more than just memory-improving capabilities; playing with musical toys might just open up a new passion in your child. If they show interest in learning how to play a specific musical instrument, dive into that interest with them. With your encouragement and participation, this simple interest could become a real talent and passion for your child.

Even though one in every 700 babies is born with Down syndrome in the United States, not many people know what Down syndrome looks like beyond the physical features. The truth is that children with Down syndrome love participating in the activities every child enjoys, from going to the zoo to playing a game of soccer. Try out some of these activities with your child and you’ll know exactly what Down syndrome looks like: joy.

Hiring a Professional Contractor vs. DIY

When you have a building or remodeling project to get done, you need to find the right construction company to handle it. But, how do you know if you’re picking the right company? The first step is to familiarize yourself with construction people near me so that you know who you are picking from. Then, you can look online to see the company’s reviews. If they don’t have reviews yet or have very few, you can always ask them for a reference who they have worked for in the past.

Not every one of the contract builders near me will be ideal for taking care of your project. You will want to choose a company that has experience with the kind of work that you need done. You may want to make a contractor inquiry to find out what kind of experience each company has in the kind of job you want from them. You may also need a contracting engineer to help get everything done. When you have your team assembled for the job, it can then get underway. Be sure that you choose a contracting company that is honest about how long your specific contracting job will take.

When you purchase a home, you are taking on a plethora of expenses other than your down payment. Many consider these expenses to be worth it since the average net worth of a homeowner is more than thirty times greater than that of a renter. These expenses include homeowner’s insurance, property tax, utilities, and repairs. For home repairs alone, homeowners generally spend between one to two percent of the total price of their home on repairs every year, according to Wells Fargo, a bank and mortgage lender. However, this price estimate only includes routine maintenance and does not factor in major remodels. According to HomeAdvisor, it costs an average of 20 thousand dollars to remodel a kitchen, 15 thousand dollars to remodel a basement, and nine thousand dollars for a bathroom.

need construction work done

For many home renovations, labor is the largest expense involved. According to information compiled by the National Association of Realtors on HouseLogic, labor is the most expensive part of nine out of ten common home repairs. In some cases, the cost of labor outnumbers the cost of materials considerably. For instance, the material required for repairing a door that is out of alignment costs approximately five dollars. However, the cost of labor is 30 to 125 dollars an hour for a handyman, in addition to a possible minimum charge of 150 to 350 dollars.

When deciding whether or not you need to hire some professional contractors for home improvement, you should consider the type of project, its complexity, and your level of expertise or skill, as well as the available time you have to work on the project.

For many home repairs, you can forgo the cost of labor by completing the home repair or remodel on your own, without hiring contractors for home improvement. However, the trick is deciding whether or not you can complete the task on your own. As a rule of thumb, more knowledge-based or labor-intensive tasks such as electrical work, plumbing, pouring concrete, or tile setting should be done by a skilled electrician, plumber, or another professional, while jobs such as painting, replacing cabinets, or insulating an attic can be done on your own.

You may be wondering what other home improvement tasks you can do on your own and which require a professional contractor. This depends on many other factors, including your skill level, expertise, available time, and the overall cost. When deciding whether or not you should do it yourself, you should also consider safety.

Consider Safety First

There are three major reasons a task is too dangerous to do yourself:

It could potentially be fatal. Botching a job such as electrical work or roofing could potentially be fatal or result in serious injury, leaving you bedridden and in need of home care. Jobs like these are best suited for professional contractors for home improvement who are trained to handle the dangers involved. For example, replacing an electric water heater is a job you might be able to do yourself. On the other hand, replacing a gas water heater is a job for a professional since cutting into gas lines could possibly lead to explosion, fire, or poisoning if you are not careful.

It could cause major destruction. Botching a major plumbing job such as moving a bath fixture could potentially destroy your home. If the fixture is not properly installed or tightened, it could result in a water leak. If the leak remains unnoticed for long enough, it could weaken the wall to the point that it collapses. This is also a possibility if you hire professional contractors for home improvement, but in this case, the plumbing service or plumbing contractor would be responsible and forced to pay for the damages.

The job requires a permit. If a job requires a building permit, it is likely too complicated a job to do yourself. A building permit is a document that says a construction job was done safely and up to all standards. Every city or municipality has laws dictating what jobs require permits and which do not. These laws also dictate how much they cost and how easy they are to obtain. In a few areas, it is fairly straightforward for a homeowner to acquire a building permit to do home improvement work themselves. In other areas, you can only acquire a building permit if you have hired licensed contractors for home improvement. However, just because you can get a permit, does not mean you can do the work yourself. Oftentimes, the fact you need a permit is a sign you should not be doing the job on your own.

Leaving It To A Professional

There are a few other reasons to opt for hiring professional contractors for home improvement jobs:

Mistakes could cost you even more. Even if there are no issues of safety involved, hiring professional contractors for home improvement jobs can be a wise investment. If you decide to go ahead and do it yourself, yet you are not sure what you are doing, you will likely need the services of a professional contractor later on down the road to fix your mistakes. In this case, doing it yourself did not save you money. Instead, it cost you twice as much for one job. For instance, if you choose not to hire an asphalt paving company and decide to pave your driveway yourself, you might have to pay for crack sealing later on down the road to fix your mistakes.

It could affect the value of your home. Real estate brokers warn that shoddy do it yourself work can be a serious aversion for potential buyers, even if you splurge on the best quality materials. For instance, even the most expensive bathroom tile will appear cheap if it is not installed correctly.

Calculating Your Costs and Savings

To figure out whether or not it is worth it to do a job yourself, you need to estimate both the time and cost involved and calculate the savings per hour.

Get a professional estimate. Begin by finding out how much it would cost to get the job done professionally. You can do this by getting a quick quote from a professional home improvement contractor. There are also plenty of websites that ask you to provide the job you want to be done and your ZIP code and then will estimate the price for you based on survey data from other homeowners in your area.

Calculate the cost to do it yourself. After getting a professional estimate, you need to calculate how much it would cost to do the job yourself. Do not forget to include the price for tools, materials, or permits, if necessary. Add all these costs up to determine the total do it yourself price.

Factor in the time required. Estimating the time is a lot more difficult than the cost since the time you spend on a home improvement job will largely depend on your skill level and experience. There are plenty of online resources or home improvement books that will provide an estimate of how long a job will take based on your level of experience.

Estimate Your Hourly Wage. After you have estimated your potential savings and the time required, divide your savings by the time to determine how much money you can save per hour of work. Or to look at it a different way, this is how much you can make per hour. Then, you can decide if it is worth it to work for that wage. For instance, rewiring a basement is a job that will likely take weeks or months to do yourself, while a professional electrician can finish it in one day.

Saving Money on Home Improvement

Whether you are hiring professional contractors for home improvement or doing it yourself, there will be a cost. For a do it yourself job, the largest investment will be your time. When hiring a professional contractor, it will be money. In both of these cases, however, you will want to save as much money as possible. With just a few tips, you can ensure you are making a wise investment with both your money and time.

Saving Money on Contractors For Home Improvement

Doing it yourself is a great way to save money on home improvement projects, but there are also a few ways to keep costs down when hiring a professional contractor:

Opt for high return projects. Some repairs are essential, but most remodels are not. To get the most return out of your remodeling jobs, opt for renovation projects that add the most value to your home. This includes a manufactured stone veneer, a new steel entry door, or a garage door replacement done by a professional garage door company. A siding or roofing replacement are a few other high return projects. With these projects, you can expect to recoup almost the entire cost when it is time to sell. Avoid renovation projects like adding a sunroom, upscale master suite, or upscale bathroom. You can expect to lose half the total cost of these projects during resale.

Communicate with your contractor. Many of the issues that arise when working with a contractor stem from a lack of communication, according to Consumer Reports. Before the job is started, layout some clear guidelines regarding working conditions, working hours, cleanup, and where to direct any questions. If a problem does arise, address it immediately with your contractor. Clear communication both ways will help you avoid any problems.

Do your own demolition and cleanup. Even when doing an entire job yourself is not feasible, you can still save money by doing parts of the job yourself. If you can swing a sledgehammer, for example, you can handle the demolition step yourself since it does not require the skill or expertise of a professional contractor. You can also save money by cleaning up yourself after the demolition as well as at the end of the project. You can also add any finishing touches yourself at the end of the project, such as painting or power washing your deck or siding. By only paying a professional contractor for parts of a project that require their particular skill or expertise, you save a significant sum of money.

Saving Money on Do It Yourself Jobs

Although cheaper than hiring professional contractors for home improvement, doing a job yourself can get quite expensive considering the cost of tools, materials, or permits, if necessary. However, there are a few ways to keep costs down and get the best value out of doing the job yourself:

Learn how to do it yourself. Before you think about tackling a home improvement job, you need to know how it should be done. Today, you do not necessarily need experience to complete home improvement tasks. There are plenty of online resources that can teach you everything you need to know about simple home repair jobs like fixing a leaky faucet, a clogged drain, or a screechy door hinge. After you practice certain skills and build your confidence with these tasks, you can move on to larger ones like building a bookshelf, replacing a toilet, or installing well pumps.

Save on building materials. You can save on various building materials for your home improvement project, such as cabinets, doors, windows, or bathroom fixtures, by looking at a reuse store. These stores take leftover or unwanted materials from other projects and sell them at a great discount. If your do it yourself project requires a special tool, you should look into buying it secondhand from a local garage sale, online, or renting it from a home improvement store to save money.

Deciding between doing a job yourself or hiring a professional contractor should be more than just a matter of money. You should consider safety, speed, hassle, and the quality of work. These various factors are the reasons why many homeowners often decide to hire professional contractors for home improvement, despite the increase in cost. For many homeowners, doing it themselves comes with the added benefit of feeling prideful in their work.

When considering any home addition or need construction work done, you need to be aware of some dangers and hidden costs to keep your project affordable. Firstly, you should consider the size of your project and whether you need a contracting engineer, if you need a general contractor, or even both.

Your choice will depend on the scale, complexity, and labor needs of the project. For large scale building projects, you could use a contracting engineer as they will have the skill, knowledge, and required home builders license to undertake this work. They can increase the size of your home, create the necessary building plans, and register building permits for your project. A building engineer will likely use a subcontractor or general contractor to do some of the work. General contractor specializes in specific parts of the job, such as drywalling, roofing, or plumbing.

Lastly, web pages and area guides will show about contractor tabs, telling you whether they are reputable or fly by night. Low cost contractors may end up costing you a lot more in the end when you have to repair and redo poor work.

Tips For How To Plan For A House Party

The weather is finally getting nicer so you know what that means — you’re having a party, inviting all your friends and family over, and enjoying this time alive together. It’s summer! What better to do than kick back with your friends and family and have fun? But you have to do it right if you’re going to at all. Follow these simple rules on how to plan a house party and the party you throw will be the best ever.


Inside The House
It’s honestly all about the preparations when it comes to how to plan a house party. It should probably go without saying you’re gonna need to clean the house. The basics are crucial: sweep and mop, finally get around to carpet cleaning for the stain you’ve been hiding with furniture, and straighten up any loose papers or belongings. Sometimes you’ll need to move around the furniture to make more space for people to sit. It’s likely you need to at least rearrange some chairs or get more. And when the space is what you’re providing while hosting a party, you’re not going to want clutter around. This may be a great time to update some parts of your house you had been meaning to anyways. For instance, new curtains, hand towels, or pillows for the couch will make the place look a little nicer. Additionally, stocking your bathrooms with whatever a guest may potentially need but wouldn’t want to ask for is a great way to be prepared.

It’s obvious but important. You don’t want the place looking like you weren’t expecting people over. Make your friends and family feel welcomed and better yet, anticipated! The extra effort you take to make sure your space is neat and tiny definitely will not go unnoticed or appreciated. Even just a little home care will go a long way. So don’t cut corners! Roughly 62% of people report feeling grateful for their children and family, so making sure your party is the best it can be can help with strengthening those bonds. For that reason, learning how to plan a house party could be just what you need to keep your relationships strong.

If you’re planning on having a bunch of people over, depending on where you live, you’re going to have some logistics to deal with in terms of parking. Should you live where you have a long driveway and plenty of front yard space for overflow parking, then you’re set. But if you live in a city or development where cars lining the street isn’t the best, consider a nearby park, street, or lot of land for people to park in. Another solution would be asking your neighbors if you can use their driveways or yards for parking. Letting your neighbors know you’re having a party regardless is probably a good idea and a nice gesture. This is because knowing that noise and parking disturbances are going to happen ahead of time is much easier to deal with and you’ll likely be met with more understanding this way. Making sure there’s a place for everybody is an important tip for how to plan a house party.

Outside The House
Should you be planning on having your guests be outside, if you have a deck or patio, some form of floor covering like an area or space rug can make the space more welcoming and comfortable. Even just something cheap from the dollar store will do the trick, but feel free to find a more expensive one perfect for your style. This is a small thing can that make a big difference, one you might not notice but is definitely there. Plus, if you have a deck, having space rugs could help limit the risk of getting a splinter, especially if your guests have kids attending. A little splinter won’t ruin a party by any means, but why risk it? Space rugs also provide a nice touch of decor inside the house, too. Even if guests aren’t planned to stay inside, they might anyways or will at least walk through the house, and area rugs can also help with tracking in dirt or grass.

Since its summertime and you’re planning on being outside, should you have a pool, your guests will probably enjoy swimming or at least sticking their toes in the water during these hot summer months! pool opening, if you haven’t already, will be an important part of how to plan a house party so to make sure your party is the best it can be. Once you’ve opened your pool, have some floaties or pool games for your guests. Pool floats and different toys can be found at Walmart or any dollar store near you. Pool noodles are super cheap and can be used for lounging in the pool or play. If you don’t already, using solar covers is a good way to ensure your pool is a little warmer than without. It’ll still be cool enough to be refreshing, but a little nicer for those first few steps getting in.

Another important tip for how to plan a house party is making sure you have enough space. If your house is too small for everyone to be comfortable inside or you just want people to stay outdoors, looking into tent rentals is a good and reasonably affordable way to make more shaded space outside. Not only that, but they’re easy to assemble if the company you book with doesn’t do it themselves. Having a tent at your party can really elevate the space and take your party to the next level. Especially if you don’t have any natural shade in your yard, a tent is a good way of giving your guests a shaded place to still hang out. You’ll want to make sure you find the best deal though should you go this route for your party.

The Food
One of the most important tips for how to plan a house party is making sure you have food. Everyone loves to snack, let’s be real, and you’ll probably want at least one meal to serve since people are coming over for a few hours. At a minimum, you’ll want to grab some bottled water or solo cups for your guests. While you’re thinking about food, grab some wholesale tortillas, beans, rice, peppers, guac, and sour cream for tacos to burritos! Tacos or burritos are great to serve as at a party because they can easily be made vegetarian, vegan, or gluten-free! Especially if your guests have any of these dietary restrictions, preparing for something like that will go a long way towards your relationship with them. Making sure your guests all have something to eat, regardless of diet, is an important part of learning how to plan a house party.

The rest of the food you provide can really be up to you, but having an array of different things for people to try is the best way to go about it. For drinks, that means making sure you have water, soda, juice for the kids, and any alcohol if necessary. For snacks, it means having fruit and veggie trays, different types of chips or pretzels, or any special requests. A classic favorite is chicken wing dip, so maybe keep that in mind when thinking about how to plan a house party.

Should you be a pet owner and your guests are all good with animals being around, then you’re all set there! However, should anyone be allergic or having your pet around would be an added stressor to watch, looking into temporary pet care may be something you want to consider. Even though we love our pets, sometimes they can be too much to take care of while also hosting. If you’re able, this can be an easy way to remedy that, especially if someone is allergic.

Should it be the other way around and pets are encouraged, make sure there’s a place for people to bring theirs where they can either be seen or won’t get into any trouble if they’re not being watched. Should you be expecting pets to join you for your party, have some treats for them, too! This is another small but noticeable way to make the party that much nicer for your guests and lets them know you care.

The Decor
A great way to make your party more of an event is with posters and signs. If you decide to do this, your signage display will be a talking point of the party. Should it be a birthday party, engagement, graduation or something like that, posters and signs will also help make the person you’re celebrating feel more special. Ultimately, that’s the point of throwing the party then, so taking whatever steps necessary to do that will make a big difference.

Even something as simple as putting a sign out by the road or a few balloons on your mailbox. But it could be way more intricate than that, too. For instance, if you’re throwing a birthday or graduation party, have a photo wall! This is a nice way of capturing all the time you’re gathered together to celebrate. Having an active photo booth, too, where people can take pictures at the event and then add them to the wall is a nice way to keep the party interactive. Your guests are there because you wanted to share this with them, but also because they are part of the journey you’re celebrating. Taking the time to make sure they know that will make a difference in how enjoyable your party is.

However, don’t just stop there! The decor is probably the most important part of a party. Especially if the party you’re throwing is related to a holiday. For instance, if you’re throwing a 4th of July or Memorial Day party, go all out with red white and blue decor! Not only that, but decorate your foods! A fun way to do that is by making different mixed drinks. There are all sorts of recipes online to make the drinks red and blue. Or make a flag cake with strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. The options are endless once you put your mind towards decorating the place. The decorations will be super impressive to your guests.

The Party

Once the party begins, you’ve learned pretty much all there is to learn about how to plan a house party. However, there are a few things you can do to make sure it runs smoothly. Having prepared games like the pool toys and maybe a frisbee, football, or soccer ball to throw and kick around are good ideas. Especially if kids are coming, having activities for them planned where they can run around and safely be out of the parents’ hair will be an excellent touch for your party.

Having a safe room for people to put their things in can also be really important for your guests. It also will help keep the space less cluttered once everyone arrives, which you’ll be grateful for. Additionally, having an extra phone charger around could be beneficial for your guests. This is definitely an extra step, but one that a friend in need will definitely remember.

Another thing people love to do at parties is have a fire. Based on where you live, this may or may not be possible. But should you be able to have one, make sure you have marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate handy. Obviously, you’ll need to make sure you have enough firewood, too. Having outdoor storage will help to keep your wood dry and potentially even serve as a place to keep some snacks, tables, or chairs. Having this option as the evening comes to a close is a nice way to let your friends and family know they can stick around for a little while longer! There’s also nothing like wrapping up in a towel after an afternoon in the pool and sitting around a fire eating a s’more. It’s also a great opportunity for conversation if there hasn’t been much downtime during the party.

There are plenty of ways to throw a party at your house and it doesn’t have to be as complex as some of this guide is. However, if you want to take those extra steps, it will make a difference. Your guests will feel more welcomed, appreciated, and overall have a better time at your place. Should you follow all these tips for how to plan a house party, the party you throw will be better because of it.