Category Archives: Moving help

Cutting Your Moving Expenses this Summer

Summer is here, and it’s that time of the year when thousands of people move. Not only in Philadelphia but in all parts of the country. Moving companies are struggling to deal with increased number of people who are moving. Statistics show that 35.5 million U.S. citizens move every year. You can be sure that more than 70% of these people move during the summer.

With the high number of people moving, there is a high chance that moving costs will be inflated and you might struggle to get local movers who will move you on a budget. Despite the increased cost of moving, this is the only time of the year when you can move easily without experiencing the challenges caused by snow and rain. So, how can you cut the moving cost during summer?

1. Hire Professional Movers

There is a perception that most of the local movers charge a premium fee. That is true, but most of Continue reading