Category Archives: Celebrating down syndrome

How You Can Help Kids And Adults With Down Syndrome

In the United States, about one in every 700 babies is born with Down Syndrome, which works out to about 6,000 babies annually. Though Down Syndrome Awareness Month isn’t until October, here are some important facts about Down Syndrome.

  • Down Syndrome occurs due to a chromosomal abnormality. What happens is a child is born with either a full or partial copy of chromosome 21. Having additional genetic material causes the mental and physical characteristics typical of people with Down Syndrome.
  • Down Syndrome is named after John L. Down, who died in 1896 and originally classified Down Syndrome in 1862.
  • A few of the common physical characteristics found in people with Down syndrome include small stature, low muscle tone and an upward eye slant and a deep crease across the center of the palm. It’s important to note that Down syndrome symptoms affect each person differently and the characteristics may be less present or more present depending on the individual.< Continue reading