Category Archives: Home lighting

Are You Preparing for a Whole Home Furniture Remodel?

Everything old is new again.
In the hallways at school you saw a gal yesterday with glasses like the ones you wore in high school. You decided to bring them to school and show your students. Apparently, they really are cool again! You have been teaching almost 20 years so you are obviously not the oldest teacher in the building. When the students reacted to your vintage pair of classes, however, they made you feel older than you are. They wondered why in the world you still had those classes after all those years and how you were able to find them.
To be fair, if you were in high school 20 years ago, that means that you graduated before any of your current students were born. Instead of feeling old, you simply turned their questions and surprise on its head and announced that you have always had good taste. You have always known what was worth keeping and what could be thrown away.
From vintage eyeglasses to vintage decor and specialty furniture pieces, you have always love Continue reading