3 Ways to Help Seniors Avoid Falls in Their Homes

Throughout our lives, everyone has fallen down at least once. That being said, the kind of fall that a younger person can easily get up from doesn’t always happen when seniors slip. In fact, statistics show that every 11 seconds a senior citizen is treated in an emergency room for injuries that took place due to falling. Considering that, it’s important to know that there are ways you can help the senior in your life. With that in mind, here are three ways to prevent seniors from falling in their own home.

  1. Make Use of a Walking Aid

    If you’re considering a cane for the senior in your life, this is a popular choice of gift. In fact, statistics show that nearly 7 million people in the United States use some type of device to aid their mobility. One of the most popular mobility aids are walking canes. Whether you’re looking for decorative canes or something a little less flashy, these products go a long way in helping to improve mobility for a senior citizen.
  2. Keep Everything on the First Floor

    Certain senior citizens might find themselves living in homes with more than one story. If you’re caring for a senior in this home, it’s best to make sure they stay on the first floor. Staircases pose dangerous threats to seniors, especially one who have issues with balance.
  3. Check the Lighting of the Home

    In many cases, seniors find themselves stumbling around the house due to it being poorly lit. If you’re wanting to help you senior move around easier, considering installing brighter lightbulbs throughout the home. In addition, there are even lights that can be pushed to activate. Placing these lights at easy to reach locations can provide immense help for a senior citizen needing to see where they are going.

To summarize, there are several ways to make sure seniors avoid falling in their own homes. Statistics show that two million senior citizens visit the ER annually for treatment of injuries caused by a fall. Walking aids can help senior citizens avoid falls. In addition, there are many decorative canes that are usually loved by those with a flair for design. Keeping all necessary items on the first floor of a home can help ensure a senior avoids dangerous stairs. Also, keeping a senior citizen’s home adequately lit drastically helps reduce falls from taking place.

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