Daily Archives: July 29, 2019

3 Ways Hotel Furniture Communicates Experience to Guests

If you’re in the midst of rebranding, remodeling, or updating your hotel, you have an excellent opportunity to change your hotel furniture to reflect the changing sensibilities of American consumers. More than ever, hotels are having to compete with vacation rentals, and as a result, they must adapt their spaces in order to be as attractive to potential guests as possible. Here are a few things to consider when selecting your redesign.

Versatility is Key

As we mentioned above, your hotel is in direct competition with vacation rental properties. One edge these services have over most hotels is the amount of space they’re able to offer, with entire apartments or homes for rent. Since you’re unable to add space to your individual rooms in order to compete, you can make up for your small space using versatile furnishings. Conscientious choices should be made about how best to utilize furniture that can serve multiple purposes, especially when it comes to being able t Continue reading