For those hearing the phrase ?salt water pool? for the first time, you may be wondering what the benefits are to swimming in sea water. Can you swim with salt water fish? Do you become an actual mermaid?
As it turns out, salt water pools don?t actually contain sea water. Instead, they use salt as a way to sanitize swimming pools rather than chlorine using a relatively small amount of salt. Nearly 75% of newly constructed inground pools are salt water pools and, as of 2016, 1.4 million salt water pools are in use around the globe. But how does the use of salt manage to sanitize an entire swimming pool and why might it be a better option than a regular chlorine pool?
Salt Chlorine Generators
A salt chlorine generator sanitizes pool water through a process called electrolysis. A salt cell is connected to the power supply of the generator as well as the pipeline sending water into the pool. As the water passes through the salt cell, metal blades receiving a low voltage current chemically decompose the salt and water to create hypochlorous acid and hydrogen, which are common pool sanitizers, as a means of replacing the need for chlorine.
How much salt is needed to continue the sanitizing process?
Unlike chlorine, the salt in a salt water pool doesn?t evaporate. The salt chlorine generator endlessly converts the salt and water into hydrogen and hydrochloric acid and back again. However, pool usage and heavy amounts of rain may alter salt levels in a salt level pool and therefore you may need to adjust salt levels to reach the proper ppm level (typically 3,000 ppm). Therefore, while a salt water pool may require maintenance to achieve regular levels of salt for proper sanitation, it?s still far less maintenance than is required of a chlorine swimming pool.
Wouldn?t a salt water pool hurt your eyes?
Opening your eyes underwater in a chlorine pool can irritate them and cause red eyes and foggy sight. However, salt water pools don?t hurt your eyes. There isn?t enough salt in the water to detect a taste of it directly or on your skin and there?s certainly not enough to hurt your eyes.
How would I go about getting a salt water pool?
Installing a salt water pool isn?t any different than installing a chlorine pool. Call a local pool contractor to consider your options and to see what works best for you. A pool contractor working within salt water pool services will definitely be able to answer your questions and see to it that your needs are taken care of.
Why would a salt water pool be better than a chlorine pool?
Chlorine can be corrosive to your pool and cause harm to it over time whereas salt water is relatively pool-friendly. Chlorine also gives off a chemical smell and cause the water to feel oily whereas a salt water pool service will assure you customers have reported the water feeling relatively lighter and free of smell. Salt water pools may also be more expensive than chlorine pools, but they often last longer and require far less maintenance for their price.
If you’re considering a salt water pool, consider talking to a pool contractor to discuss construction options, the best place to locate your pool in your yard, and your pricing options.