If you are moving soon, looking into luxury homes for sale can sometimes be a stressful process. Often, you are in the process of selling your old home at the same time, meaning that people in the process of searching for a new home often have a lot on their plates. There is also a lot to consider when looking for a new home, from what style of house you want (and if you even want a house at all! Maybe you’re looking more into condos or apartments), to what type of neighborhood you want to live in. If you have children, the search is compounded by school districts. Fortunately, the internet makes searching for new homes easier than ever, and over 90% of prospective homeowners use it to further their search.
When it comes to looking at luxury homes for sale, many people now consider whether or not a home is energy efficient. Over half of prospective home owners are looking into energy efficiency in brand new homes. Homes can also even be custom built to meet those standards for energy efficiency as well, though this process is often more time consuming. Custom built homes are not for everyone, but for those with very particular tastes, a custom built home can provide the dream house that they had envisioned. Homeowners also frequently want a new home that has never been lived in before because they want their process of moving in to be as hassle free as possible. They are looking to avoid renovations and especially any problems with either plumbing or electricity.
Of those looking to buy new homes or new custom homes, over 30% are first time buyers. In fact, according to a survey conducted by Realtor.com, the vast majority of those looking to buy a home are under the age of 35 and are less likely to have ever owned a home before. Only around 40% of prospective homeowners are in their late thirties or older. Out of all people looking to buy a home, almost half are looking for one that has never been lived in before.
For parents and caretakers, looking at school districts has also become an important part of looking at luxury homes for sale. In fact, a good school district can raise the property value of a new home by up to 20% and a poor school district and certainly cause a decrease in property value. Many prospective home owners also value the quality and safety of the neighborhood the home stands in, particularly those with young children.
Looking at luxury homes for sale can be a stressful process, but it’s one that pays off in the long run. When prospective homeowners are able to pinpoint what they want, buying a home, be it a luxury home, a townhouse, or even a condo, becomes so much simpler.