Sometimes people struggle to have a baby on their own. Many different things can impact fertility, including damage to the uterus wall, personal injuries, and more. Fortunately, there are options for couples struggling to sustain a pregnancy, such as using a surrogate. With this process, another woman can carry the embryo of a child for a couple and give birth to the baby.
With traditional surrogacy, the male’s sperm is used to impregnate the surrogate mother’s own eggs. This means that the surrogate mother will be related to the child and will be his or her biological mother. State news reports that roughly 5% of surrogates in the United States are traditional surrogates.
Another option is gestational surrogacy, which Statnews reports accounts for 95% of surrogates. With this option, the couple will provide a fertilized embryo that is then implanted in the surrogate mother. In this case, the surrogate mother will not be related to the child.
With gestational surrogacy, an egg is harvested from the biological mother and then artificially inseminated with the father’s sperm. Once the egg is fertilized it is planted on the surrogate mother’s uterus. This process is called in vitro fertilization (IVF). Couples can also use IVF to inseminate an egg and plant it on the biological mother’s uterus. If the mother cannot or does not want to carry the baby, using a surrogate is wise. Contact us to learn more.