Little-Known Facts About Water Softening

This video will teach you some little-known facts about water softening. Water softening is a necessary activity for home functionality and family health. Using heated hard water in your home will result in dish staining, drain furring, and skin damage.

Water softening works by introducing hard water into the resin through an inlet tube.

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A freeboard area above the resin allows it to expand while eliminating accumulated impurities. The resin bed attracts impure minerals as the water flows through it. The purified water then goes into the house through the central dip tube.

Regeneration is purifying the resin when it becomes saturated with impurities. Loosening the resin bed by introducing water through the dip tube into the resin is the first step in regeneration. The brining process that diverts water from the freeboard through the dip tube is the next regeneration step.

A siphon that takes the brine from the tank is created during brining as the water leaves the resin tube. The last stage of regeneration is the fill-rinse that compresses the resin bed while cleaning the resin. Here, the fill tube directs water into the brine tank to replenish it.

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