Are you a crafter? Perhaps you love staying organized. Maybe you’ve browsed the Internet looking for endless hobby room storage ideas because your craft room is getting packed full of fun stuff to work on and you’re running out of ideas for space. You may have looked at craft storage shelves, a hobby organizer, craft storage carousel, and more. The options are endless. Today you will gain some ideas for storage, as well as find out how crafting is appealing to many Americans more than usual!
Crafting is Taking Over the World
The Association for Creative Industries found that crafting is a hobby that is always growing. In 2010, 56% of U.S. households participated in various types of crafting and this past year, 63% of American households celebrated craft time. This shows that it has been growing steadily, probably with the emergence of many new craft stores, and Pinterest showing us great ideas of what we can make for any occasion, at all times. Crafting has been shown to release dopamine, with about 81% of respondents with depression saying that they feel happy after they have been knitting. Crafters also come in all sorts of ages, with 35% being between the ages of 18 and 34, 37% between the ages of 35 and 54, and 28% being over the age of 55.
The Need for Storage
If you are looking for storage options because your crafting has been taken to extremes, or just in general because your house is full of many items that you have no space for, here’s a great option: a White cube organizer. These organizers come in all shapes and sizes, with as many cubes as you need to store away children’s toys, crafts, and more. You will find approximately 300,000 items in the average American household, which is where the white cube organizer comes into play. Not only is it designed to hold your items, but it is also a great centerpiece in any house. Knowing that your home looks nice and your items are happily away in storage can decrease stress in your household, so consider your options.