Planning an outdoor wedding differs from planning a church wedding in many ways, starting with the need for emergency cover or an alternative indoor location. Cabanas and cabana tents rank among the top bench rentals for weddings, and they can work well for weddings held on a farm, at the lake, and on a mountainside.
These quickly pitched tents create precipitation and wind cover for the wedding party and minister. Some large wedding tents offer space for the guests, too. Renting or purchasing one of these large pop-up tents can save your special day. Ask your decoration rental company about them or inquire with your caterer.
Most caterers also offer banquet table rentals, chairs, tablecloths, and cutlery for the reception. If you want a bartender for your event, you may need to consult a separate company. A few caterers may offer wedding bar rental, but not all do.
Don’t mar your special day by forgetting that everyone who attends your outdoor wedding will need to use the restroom eventually. Phone your local portable toilet services firm to book a fancy Porta Potty rental. Depending on your wedding guest list, you’ll need more than one potty. Plan on renting one portable toilet for every 50 guests.
What else differs about planning an outdoor wedding? An outdoor wedding affects everything from your dress choice to the photos the wedding photographer takes. Here are a few tips to help your wedding planning stay on track.

In the United States, there are about 2.4 million weddings every year. Nearly 35% of these are performed at outdoor wedding places. It can take a long time to make wedding plans. At least one third of all brides, for example, say they spend between seven and 12 months putting their wedding together. These tips can help you plan a great day.
- Set a budget. Before you embark on any big undertaking such as a wedding, you need to start the process by deciding how much you can spend and how much you want to spend on your wedding. It is very easy to spend more than you want when you do not lay out a budget. By going to outdoor wedding places, you may be able to save some money there but you should know how much cash you have to work with from the outset. Once you have set your budget, you need to stick to it. When you do your budget, you should also make a list of your priorities. You may end up going over on one part of your wedding but you will have to cut what you spend on another to make up for it.
- “To do” lists are your friends. When you are planning a wedding, there are tons of details that need your attention. From looking at catering for events, wedding venues and outdoor wedding places, you have a lot to juggle and a lot on your plate. By making and keeping these lists, you can keep yourself organized and make sure that none of the important details fall through the cracks. These are helpful both for planning the wedding and the wedding reception but also for your special day. Make a list of what you want your photographer get shots of to make sure they do not miss them.
- Do not expect everything to go perfectly. No wedding happens without hiccups or issues. That is ok. No one will most likely know, except for you. If you expect perfection on your wedding day, you will be disappointed and unhappy. Your wedding day should be a fun and joyous day. Let it be that by enjoying the things that go right and letting go (or laughing at) the things that do not. At the end of the day, people will remember how much fun they had at your wedding, not the small details that did not go as well as you would have hoped.
- Get your friends and family involved in the planning. You do not have to plan your entire wedding on your own. There are people in your life who will want to help out. From touring wedding venues with you to looking at outdoor places for weddings or sampling wedding catering, you can get your friends and family involved in the process. This does a few things for you. It will take the pressure off of you but it can also make the process more fun. Who does not like sampling cake? Everyone likes to do that. They can also help with guest lists and dealing with the many details that go into planning a great wedding. It can help to bounce your ideas off of other people. Your friends or family may even know about some unusual wedding venues that you may not know about. Be open to advice and suggestions from your friends.
- Approach the dress buying process with an open mind. You may have some ideas about what kind of dress you want before you hit the stores but be open to things the salespeople suggest. They are experts at this but also know better than you what their inventory looks like. There may be a dress that looks amazing on you that you never would have considered without some prodding or advice from the people at the bridal store.
There are some real benefits to going to outdoor wedding places. One thing you can do outdoors is use wedding sparklers, which can give you a dramatic and fun send off when your wedding reception is through. They can also be very versatile and give you some great options to make your special day unique and great.