From private preschool to the best schools for performing arts high schools, private schools are becoming more and more common all throughout the entirety of the country of the United States. In fact, as many as twenty five percent of all schools in the United States are now private schools – including private preschool, private elementary school, the best middle schools, and private high school. Simply put, more and more parents are making the active choice to give their children a private education, even from the very beginning in private preschool. And though it might seem like a little much to send your child to a private preschool – and to private school for many years after that – giving them a private preschool education gives them a chance to get the best educational start possible in life, something that is absolutely invaluable and irreplaceable.
Private preschool in becoming particularly common, and this is something that can be directly linked to the fact that simply more and more children the country over are attending preschool programs. Recent data even shows that more than eighty five percent of all kids currently living in the United States had been enrolled in preprimary programs like preschool and private preschool in the year of 2015, and this is a number that has only continued to grow in the few years that have elapsed since. Many of these preschool programs, private preschool or otherwise, just over fifty percent of them, even actually run for the entire school day, allowing the children to have as many educational and life skill building benefits as is possible. And this trend of learning and growth can easily continue by enrolling your child in a private education as they continue to grow, with now more than two and half million enrolled in private elementary schools all throughout the entirety of the country of the United States.
There are many benefits to enrolling your child in a private school, from private preschool to private high school. For one, student engagement is considerably increased and much more encouraged. This can clearly be seen by talking to the teachers who work both at public schools and private schools. While more than twenty percent of all public school teachers currently working in the United States felt that their schools experienced a distinct lack of student motivation and participation, considerably less than five percent of all private school teachers in the country also felt that way. And the same can be said for parent engagement. Very nearly twenty five percent of all public school teachers feel that overall parent engagement is lacking in their school community. But, as with student engagement, less than five percent of all private school teachers in the country said that they felt that a lack of parental engagement and involvement was a distinct problem.
And the benefits of sending your child to a private school only grow more important as your child ages, truly coming together by the time that they reach their high school years. Much of the difference between private high school and public high schools comes down to college preparedness, something that the typical private high school is able to devote much more of their overall attention to. This can be seen in the fact that guidance counselors in public school setting are only able to dedicate just over twenty percent of their time to college talks with students, less than even just one quarter. Private school guidance counselors, on the other hand, typically spend, on average, more than half of their time on college readiness and planning counseling alone. The benefit of a private education is also easy to see in the average SAT scores of private schools, which consistently top 1200. Public schools, on the other hand, have an average SAT score of only just over 1000. This 200 point difference is significant, and can make the difference between a college acceptance or a college rejection letter.
Going to a private school can make a huge difference in your child’s educational life.