Monthly Archives: March 2022

What is the Role of a Midwife?

This video is to inform viewers about what a midwife is. Every women’s pregnancy should be a calm and joyful time in their life. It is very hard being pregnant and can be very stressful on a women’s body, which is why pregnant women should visit the doctor more frequently than any other time. This is also a time to see your obgyn and get the prenatal care you need.

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One conversation to have is whether you want to have your medical visits with a doctor or a midwife. Midwifery has become more common and even has cultural roots. In fact, as of February 2019, there were 12,218 certified nurse-midwives and 102 certified midwives, according to the American Midwifery Certification Board. This is a great alternative way to get the prenatal care you need and make sure you and your child are taken care of.

Getting prenatal support and education is a great way to get feel more at ease before giving birth. Prenatal care is also extremely important as well because it allows for a more properly planned birth and can help easily monitor not only the health of the woman but the health of the baby as well.


Throwing the Perfect Summer Party

Summer is just around the corner, and it’s almost time for that backyard barbecue you’ve been dreaming about all winter. Break out your summer dishware and get ready to soak in the sun! Along with the anticipation of a summer party, comes the time of preparation before all of your friends come over. Some basic lawn maintenance and decorating are in order, as well as some cleaning of your hosting space. Feel free to string lights throughout your trees, or invest in some trendy tiki torches to add some mood lighting to your home venue.

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This video details some more fun ideas to make your 2022 backyard barbecue unforgettable!

For snacks, fresh fruit is always a big hit. Summer calls for plenty of crunchy veggies and dip as well. Use whatever containers or glasses you have laying around the kitchen and put a few flowers in each to add a touch of elegance to your seating area. Serving drinks in Mason jars had been on-trend these past few years, and this year is no exception. Be sure to add your own personal decor touches to your party, and don’t forget schedule it on a day where rain is completely impossible. Happy summer!


Reasons to Get a Water Softener

The hardness or softness of the water in your home can greatly affect your health and the way you feel. It can also have an impact on the lifespan and effectiveness of your appliances. Hard water can have a lot of negative consequences so it’s important to be mindful of the hardness levels of your water. If these levels are not appropriate, you should invest in a water softener.

A water softener works to reduce the buildup of harsh chemicals in your water.

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While all of these chemicals are natural and not necessarily harmful, they can still have negative impacts on your health and your body. For example, if you regularly shower with water that’s loaded with these heavy chemicals, your skin and hair can dry out. You may notice patches of roughness on your body or overall itchiness or discomfort in your skin. It can also have effects on your hair. Hard water can deplete the moisture in your hair making it rougher and less manageable, while also reducing its shine and bounce.

If you notice any of these issues, you may benefit from a water softening system. You can get one that softens all the water sources in your home, or one that’s individualized for just one area, such as your shower.


How To Clean Your Area Rugs at Home

Do you want to be able to clean your area rugs at home without paying for a service? This video takes you through some easy steps that will get your rugs looking new and smelling fresh.

There are a few things you will want to do to do before you start the area rug cleaning process. First, you will want to bring your area rug to a large space outside and lay it flat down preferably on your driveway for easy clean-up. Now, this next step is important because you want your rug completely free of any loose particles such as crumbs, hair, and dust. You will then want to give your rug a good vacuum to get any debris off. These steps will set you up for success before you start the deep cleaning process.

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Some things you will need for your area rug cleaning are a vacuum, extension cord, dawn detergent, any kind of pressure washing device, and a flat area to lay your rug down on. This process can get messy so it is suggested that you do this outside and wear clothing that you don’t mind getting wet. Watch this video on how to deep clean your area rug at home with ease!