Monthly Archives: March 2021

Simple Outdoor Activities for Families This Spring

If you want to significantly improve the health of yourself and your loved ones, science overwhelmingly agrees: stop spending so much time indoors. Make time to get outside and get your blood pumping while you are out there.

According to the School of Health and Human Performance at Dublin City University (DCU), even short walks around the neighborhood can be enormously restorative. “From the neurons in your brain to the blood vessels in your small toe, there isn’t a body part that isn’t positively affected by even a 15-minute walk,” Professor Niall Moyna tells RTE. “The impact [of] exercise on mental health is incalculable.”

It is important to weigh the effects of our everyday activities on our mental health — and particularly on our children’s emotional well-being. Countless studies show that children are struggling right now and that the rates of depression and anxiety amongst young children and teens are higher than ever before. Spending time outside can change that.

Consider these simple outdoor activities for families. Spend more quality time as a family and ensure the well-being of all family members, young and old.

Why Is it Important for Kids to Get Outside?

For children and teens, getting outside is just as important as regular visits to the family physician. Learn how simple outdoor activities for families improve mental and physical health.

  • Spending time outdoors lowers cortisol and improves mood. Spending time in nature reduces the stress hormone cortisol and boosts the feel-good hormone serotonin. The effect is having more energy, feeling calmer, and lowering rates of anxiety and depression.
  • Being outside promotes better health and wellness. Did you know that spending time outdoors can literally improve your immune system? Time spent outdoors increases your exposure to vitamin D, and vitamin D plays a key role in maintaining your immune system. The great outdoors also expose you to more oxygen — important for thriving white blood cells — and a greater number of phytoncides, a chemical from trees that naturally fights germs.
  • Time outdoors is correlated with regular exercise and stronger bones and muscles. Finally, being outside encourages you and your family to take part in healthy outdoor activities, like hiking, swimming, cycling, gardening, and more. These activities use and strengthen multiple muscle groups, increase bone density, and improve balance.

Try a Unique Activity

Simple outdoor activities for families do not have to be a bore. Mix things up this spring by choosing a unique activity that is accessible to all members of the family. Examples of unique activities include jumping on a trampoline, slacklining, and archery. See below for a more in-depth look at each activity.

  • Jumping on a trampoline. Jumping outdoors on a trampoline has several benefits. Children learn more quickly and attentively when they are surrounded by nature. Use jumping as an opportunity to teach kids how to count or use a timer and teach them to share and take turns. The activity also boosts cardiovascular fitness, builds strong bones, and improves mood. For safe jumping, look into outdoor trampolines with special features, like springless trampolines or trampolines with safety nets.
  • Slacklining. When it comes to slacklining, one of the most common questions that come up is, what is it? A slackline a thick strip of fabric, like nylon, suspended in between two supports. Many include a rope or support, called a training line, above your head to help you balance and stabilize. To slackline in your backyard, many families secure them between two trees. Slacklining is a full-body workout. It improves focus, balance, and may even help children recover from injuries. Perhaps one of the best advantages of slacklines is that parents are able to position them however they like. If you are more comfortable starting your child off low to the ground — with just a few inches of clearance — do it. As their skills improve, you can move the slackline up slightly if you wish.
  • Archery. Archery is an ideal sport for you and your family because it is suitable for all ages and fitness levels. The activity can be adapted for all types of weather. Begin teaching your children archery now, spend plenty of time outdoors this spring, summer, and fall, and bring it indoors during winter. Archery teaches kids valuable life skills, including confidence, focus, and hand-eye coordination, and it is surprisingly safe. In fact, archery is 15 to 25 times safer — meaning there are comparatively fewer injuries — than basketball and baseball, according to the National Safety Council (NSC).

    Of course, this depends on the type of archery in question. Run-of-the-mill archery is very safe. If you plan to combine archery and hunting or use a crossbow, follow the recommended safety guidelines for those activities at all times.

Garden and Fix Up Your Home’s Landscaping

There are also simple outdoor activities for families that get you moving but do not feel like a traditional workout. A simple way of working up a sweat while outdoors is to garden and work on your home’s landscaping.

The Washington Post describes gardening as “excellent physical activity. There’s activity in tilling the soil, carting fresh compost by wheelbarrow, seed-planting, then weeding and watering, and maintenance of the garden.” To successfully introduce kids to gardening, keep it age-appropriate. Outdoor Living Today recommends starting with large seeds, like sunflower seeds, that are easy to handle and to see or, for especially young children that are prone to being impatient, visit your local nursery to purchase already growing fruits and vegetables. Begin by teaching kids to plant seeds or growing plants and water them. Over time, introduce more steps, like weeding and harvesting.

While you supervise your children, you and your spouse can take part in activities to improve your landscape. Use tree trimmers to cut back small branches and prune trees. Look out for any bald spots on your lawn, and plant new grass to fill them in.

Go On a Hike

For other simple outdoor activities for families, don’t forget about hiking! Hiking is an extraordinary workout for adults, and — with the right preparations — your children can easily benefit from it, too.

It is always important to stay well-hydrated and safe while hiking. It is even more important to be prepared while hiking with children. The National Park Service (NPS) recommends bringing along 10 essential items. These include water, sun protection (sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses), food, navigation, a flashlight, matches, a first aid kit, an extra layer of clothing, repair tools, and an emergency shelter. While it is true that we are living in The Digital Age, it is always wise to bring along a compass and/or a paper map just in case your phone loses reception or runs out of battery.

With the essentials in tow, hiking is an extremely engaging and fun family activity. Hiking is a great workout, it teaches your children about local wildlife, and it can easily be an opportunity to teach your child about leaving the park the way you found it. Teach your children to respect nature and never litter or leave trash behind.

Have a Picnic In a Local Park

Sometimes, simple outdoor activities for families can be just that: simple. Pack the family up, and enjoy a picnic in the park. If your children want to play and run around, all the better. If not, getting outside is much better than not getting outside at all.

Keep your kids happy with child-friendly pasta salads or quesadillas with cheese and vegetables and fruit or homemade trail mix to snack on. Keep the trip dentist-friendly. Make sure your children thoroughly brush their teeth when you get home.

Bring bubbles, a Frisbee, or gloves and a softball to encourage active play.

Make Your Driveway a Fun Space

With some precaution, your driveway can be much more than a place to park or to drive over on your way to the garage. The driveway can also be the perfect spot for fun and simple outdoor activities for families. To transform your driveway into the perfect place to play:

  • Buy a basketball hoop. A trip to the local basketball facility can be enriching and fun, but why not bring the fun home? Invest in a basketball hoop to shoot some hoops, and play games, like H-O-R-S-E, Knockout, and Around The World.
  • Two words: sidewalk chalk. Sidewalk chalk is the perfect excuse to get your kids out the door. Head outside with a bucket of chalk and simply let your child be creative. Liven things up by playing games. Draw a line or swirl, and challenge your child to draw a picture using that as a starting point. If you and your child grow tired of being artsy, use the chalk to draw a maze, hopscotch board, or four square onto the driveway and get a more active game started.

Wash Your Family’s Vehicles

For the adults in the family, washing the car may seem like a chore. However, get young children involved, and you may be able to transform the item on your to-do list into a day of family fun.

Start by setting the stage. Talk to a paving company about finally paving your driveway before taking on the task. A driveway made up of pebbles, stones, and dirt is going to get muddy fast — and that makes it a less than ideal environment to wash the car, particularly with children.

Make it fun by playing music, talking to your kids, and directly involving them in the process. Give them big, soft, soapy sponges to help clean the car or have them put socks on their hands and dip them into buckets of soap.

After putting the finishing touches on the family vehicle, park it in the garage to ensure it stays clean. If moving the car in and out of the garage becomes cumbersome due to a malfunctioning garage door, stop parking the car in the driveway and simply living with it. Call a garage door service to get the problem resolved.

Rent an RV For a Weekend Camping Getaway

Don’t overthink simple outdoor activities for families. Camping is the perfect outdoor retreat for the family, and it is one that families have enjoyed for years and years. Introduce your child to the well-loved activity by easing them into it.

Start by searching for a used RV for sale. A used RV comes with everything you need, often at half the price of a new one — or less. Having a source of running water, a toilet, and a place to cook should it rain will make it easier to camp with young children. Camping helps children learn how to unplug from devices. You can also use the opportunity to teach children basic survival skills and to instill a love of nature in them from a young age.

Go Swimming

To fully enjoy the benefits of the great outdoors, stick to simple outdoor activities for families. Staying active and spending time in nature can be as straightforward as spending a day near the pool.

Swimming is a great activity for all members of the family. It is low-impact, which is important for family members — likely the adults — who may have bad knees, achy joints, or arthritis, it builds muscle and greatly improves cardiovascular health, and it is an essential skill for your kiddos to learn. If you have a pool in your backyard, it is critical that your children learn to swim at a young age and that they are strong swimmers.

Keep your swimming experience as carefree and comfortable as possible by keeping up on routine pool maintenance. Should you notice a tear or rip in the pool liner, a faulty pump, or other common problems, call a pool repair service to fix it right away.

Are you looking for simple outdoor activities for families this spring? Stick to the list above, and you are sure to find something for the entire family. Get outside to improve mood, boost your immune system, and encourage children to regularly exercise.

How to be Focused and Concentrate with Adult ADHD

According to ADHD statistics, 2.8% of adults live with ADHD globally, with reports indicating that many adults still go undiagnosed even with this estimate. This may be attributed to the popular belief that ADHD only manifests through constant fidgeting. In fact, it manifests in various ways, such as impulsiveness, poor time management, and lack of focus. With these symptoms, living an unsupervised adult life can often become a problem. Fortunately, there exist various ways to cope with inattentiveness. Here are some tips on how to be focused and concentrate during your everyday routine.

Get a Planner for Starting Tasks

Planners may be the go-to for setting deadlines, but they can also be a multipurpose tool, coming in handy as a reminder of when to start your projects. To get the best out of planners, go for one with clearly designated dates for each month of the year. Plan out your week in advance, and write down each day’s tasks. Your schedule should include time slots of when to start your daily tasks and how long you expect to complete each. The idea is to cross off each when you accomplish it, setting the foundation for a proper pace.

If, however, you cannot find a good planner during your visit to the store, simply create one from an unused notebook. Start with weekly schedules and then scale it up to monthly plans.

Use a Timer

A timer also goes hand in hand with a planner and is another way to focus and concentrate during your tasks. For starters, set your timer to intervals of 40 minutes. If you get your work done during this period, then consider sticking to this 40-minute time slot. However, keep in mind that your time may vary based on the tasks at hand, so consider switching it up for each project. Simple phone timers will work for this, with additional online focus apps also helping you stick to a determined schedule for each task. The latter option often comes with rewards, making it a fun technique for improved motivation.

Start Small and Scale-Up

If you are struggling to get started on any task, it may be causing you anxiety, you are bored of it, or you simply have no proper skill to go about it. Rather than let procrastination derail you, start small on what you can complete. By doing away with small tasks first, motivation will soon set in, allowing you to figure out how to get over the larger hurdles.

Use Visual Reminders

Utilizing visual reminders comes fourth on our how-to be focused and concentrate list. Unlike other focus techniques, these introduce a fun element to an otherwise dull day. They act as another way of reminding you of what you should be doing during various times of the day. Where possible, color code each task on your visual reminder to allow you to view them even when you are away from your desk or workspace. Morning tasks can, for instance, be marked with a different color from afternoon tasks. The most common visual reminders to use include flashcards, with the option of customizing with your home-based art supplies.

In addition to visual reminders helping you stay on track with your current work, they can also help you keep track of your future goals. Rather than using flashcards for this, you can have printouts of rewards to remind you of what you wish to get after each task. This can be rewards such as getting a vehicle after long-term projects or simpler incentives such as a take-out at your favorite eatery.

Clear Distractions Before-Hand

Focusing on getting payroll done when your favorite show runs on your tablet is no way to start your day. Before beginning your work, take note of any obstacles that may cause distractions and get rid of them. This includes phone calls, social media, and chores you may need to take care of. You can, for instance, slot your chores for later on in the day after you complete your work or have your phone on ‘Do not disturb mode’ to help with better concentration.

Have a Consistent Sleeping Schedule

Part of our how-to be focused, and concentrate schedule also comes from getting enough rest, specifically a good night’s sleep. During sleep, your body gets rid of toxic waste, which goes a long way in supporting healthy brain function. This results in better attention spans, allowing you to concrete on your everyday tasks. Focus on implementing a good sleeping schedule with a gradual winding down routine is the best place to start. Allow your body to transition from your everyday activities such as watching television or doing chores. This means minimizing electronic usage as your bedtime nears and any harmful vape habits you may have grown accustomed to.

Some practices to consider implementing include taking a warm bath or reading a book. Stick to your preferred schedule until your body fully adapts to it for better attention spans during the busy parts of your days.

Switch Up Your Tasks

Concentration can sometimes be fleeting, and no matter how hard you try, it may still be unforthcoming. When this happens, try switching up your tasks to get multiple jobs done at a time. The rule of thumb on this seventh is how to be focused and concentrate tip is to switch it up to three tasks at a go, as juggling more can signal a downward spiral. If you cannot focus on your chosen task for the hour, move on to the next chore on your plate. Depending on how long each lasts, you can go back and forth in intervals until you get both done. As you get the hang of it, try sticking to your laid down time frame for both to ensure that you do not waste any time.

Schedule Breaks In Between Your Work Sessions

Another tip of how to be focused and concentrate on taking breaks between work sessions. These can comprise 15-minute dancing sessions, lightly walking around the house if remote working, or going for bathroom breaks. You can also check your email during this time, with priority falling on urgent work-related emails. Breaks should allow you to unplug from your current work, allowing your mind to wander just enough without getting you too distracted.

Practice Deep Breathing Exercises

Deep breathing also acts as another method of focusing and concentrating, helping you stay in the present when your thoughts seem scattered. For your deep breathing exercises, breathe in slowly and count to 10. Let your abdomen rise with each inward breath and feel the release with every outward breath. Do this at least 10 times as you focus on your breathing. Along with this, practice mindfulness consistently, with meditation working well for this. It will especially come in handy when you have a business dispute to take care of or when you have a pending case of giving baby up for adoption for your client that can often seem overwhelming.

Use Hand Held Fidgets

Numerous people take to work their fidgeting and stress relieving toys, with the Koosh ball acting like a favorite for most. As an adult trying to cope with ADHD at the workplace, this is another ideal how to be focused and concentrate tip that helps you channel your distraction. Shop around for what works best for you and utilize it when you feel inattentiveness kicking in. If you prefer to keep it minimal, a pen and paper will work just as fine. Write down notes during meetings and any thoughts during these sessions. You can also use your pen as a fidgeting device to roll around your fingers for this concentration technique.

Get Support from Your Co-Workers

Being an employee with ADHD comes with its unique set of difficulties and can often present challenges when working with colleagues who have no proper way to address it. Try opening up to supportive workmates when you have difficulties maintaining your focus at work. Educate them on simple how to be focused and concentrate practices that can help you stay on track and ask for help when you need it. This can include requesting better work accommodations such as having your desk away from open areas and pathways that cause distractions. Where possible, you can also ask for closed office spaces.

ADHD support groups can also help in handy when you have no workplace support, with most online platforms offering avenues when you need help. They also allow you to have an accountability partner to help you prioritize your goals, keep in line with your progress and celebrate wins with you.

Use ADHD to Your Advantage

ADHD can often be frowned upon as a disability, while it has its share of positives. Numerous adults with ADHD work best in different scenarios, an aspect that often comes with heightened focus during these periods. Take note of conditions that favor you, with the most common being music in the background and, in some instances, being in noisy rooms. Work with your strengths and recreate these conditions in your workplace where possible, with earplugs coming in handy for the above-listed examples. If, however, you prefer the outdoors, consider requesting office work arrangements or consider getting your work done during your commute to the office. Suppose you are a young adult looking to complete your education. In that case, you can also sign up for community colleges to allow you to accelerate your learning period rather than get stuck with extended study periods that may not work in your favor.

Get a Regular Exercise Routine

Exercises have been found to provide a mood boost for the majority of people, often injecting a fresh burst of energy both physically and mentally. Exercise releases neurotransmitters such as dopamine which helps with better thinking, a chemical that most people with ADHD have a shortage of. Some exercises that come with these benefits include:

Aerobic/Light Exercise

Light exercises, specifically aerobic-based, target your heart, an essential component that aids in better concentration. Depending on your preference, a 30-minute workout session is enough to create pathways in your brain that allow it to receive chemicals that boost your attention span. Some aerobic exercises to try include swimming, running, riding a bike, and even walking. While these can be performed indoors, performing them outdoors will reduce your ADHD symptoms considerably, so consider getting these out in nature as you soak in the solar.

Martial Arts

Martial arts have been considered a building block for self-control, which also goes a long way in building a stronger mind. By practicing martial arts, you benefit from improved motor skills, better memory, and overall increased focus and concentration spans. Sports that fall under this category include judo, jiujitsu, and karate.

Strength Exercises

For more experienced exercise fanatics, exercises targeting strength work can also help improve concentration. You can try out lunges, pushups, squats, and weightlifting.

Group Exercises

If, however, you prefer group exercises once in a while, switch it up with basketball or soccer. Apart from helping your brain stay active during your weekly sessions, group exercises will also allow you to stay in touch with colleagues and friends, making for better social support.

Outdoor Exercises

You can also scale up with a mix of other exercises, most notably yoga, rock climbing, and gymnastics. As with the rest, aim for about 30-40 minutes of activity. This will be enough to get your heart rate up and allow your muscles to feel tired.

Consider Neurofeedback Therapy

Neurofeedback may not be a widely utilized procedure for helping adults with ADHD cope with focus given the costs that it comes with, but it has been shown to have its share of positive side effects. To break it down, neurofeedback is a non-invasive form of neurological rehabilitation aimed at changing the behavioral attitude of ADHD patients by changing their brain’s functioning. Among the benefits it has been shown include medium scale improvements in hyperactivity and large scale improvement to attention and impulse tendencies. These aspects constitute a large part of any adult’s life living with ADHD, suggesting that this therapy may prove effective in improving focus and concentration deficit. Note, however, that before getting neurofeedback, first check with The International Society for Neurofeedback and Research to ensure that your practitioner is certified in this area.

Living with ADHD does not have to be a struggle. With the right systems in place, you can enjoy a fulfilled work and personal life balance, helping you live each day to the fullest. Consider utilizing the above-listed tips of how to be focused and concentrate for an improved life with ADHD.

Get Your Kids Involved with Home Repairs

Home repairs can often be a hassle, but if you can turn them into a teaching moment, they can also be a great way to spend some quality time with your family and impart some important lessons. Committing to DIY fixes when possible and getting your kids involved in simple home repairs is a great way to start teaching them independence, responsibility, and a life-long love of relying on their own skills to solve their problems before turning to the professionals for help.

While you should always let them know that it’s okay to ask for help and that sometimes professional assistance is the best way to go for projects that are above your skill level, you can impart a healthy love of hard work by showing them just how much they can accomplish on their own, or with a little help from you. Before too long, you’ll be able to step back and allow them to work out a problem entirely on their own.

You can start with teaching them how to change the batteries in a simple smoke detector or how the light switches work, then up the difficulty as they get older and can handle more complicated instructions. Here are some fun and easy ways you can start to get your kids involved with home repairs.

Fence Repairs

Fixing a broken, sagging, or rotted fence is a great first project to get your kids involved in. Even if they just keep you company and hand you a nail here and there, they’ll likely feel a sense of accomplishment once the project is done. If your children are a little older, you can even let them nail up new boards or help you dig and set posts. Either way, use this as a way to teach them the value of doing small things for themselves whenever they’re capable.

This is also a great time to start teaching them basic safety around tools and what not to do with them. Older children might even benefit from learning more high-concept things, like the basics of how to organize and plan a fencing or other construction project. You can also make sure they know the proper way to use a hammer, a ruler, a level, and so on.

Plumbing Repairs

If the issue isn’t bad enough for you to call a plumbing service, then getting your kids involved in repairing a sink or a drain is a great way to help build their skills and confidence. This is a good project for multiple ages as younger children can assist in handing in tools you may need while older children can assist with the repair itself. This will also help them develop a useful set of skills they can use later on in life, which will likely help their self-confidence as well.

It’s best if you approach complicated systems in an easy-to-digest way at first, then build from there as your children grow or as you realize that they’ve really understood the material. Start with the basics of how drains and pipes work and help us live in modern society, then move to more specific aspects of whatever issues you’re addressing. Teach them both the proper and common names of tools and fittings as you know them.

HVAC Repairs

Repairs to the air conditioner can be more complicated than you might expect, but if you have a good knowledge of the system you’re working with and your children are capable of following your directions, this is a great project to involve them in. Start with the pieces they’re likely to recognize, such as the fan, then add in the more complicated components as you go.

Working on large systems can feel daunting, so be sure to break it down and go in steps so that no one gets overwhelmed. This is also a good time to teach them about safety around large systems and equipment, as well as when it might be time to call in a professional, after they’ve determined the problem is beyond their knowledge or their current skill level.

Heater Repair

Working on a heating system together can help give your kids a useful skillset they can use when they’re eventually out on their own. Whether it’s contained in an HVAC unit, a baseboard heater, or another unit like a radiator, fixing the heat themselves can not only save them money in the future but will boost their self-confidence and help them feel capable.

Depending on the age of your children, now can also be a good time to reinforce more basic lessons, like being careful with tools and not touching hot surfaces. If your children are a little older, they may enjoy learning a little of the history behind the sort of heater they’re working on. Do a little research and pull a few interesting facts to share the next time you get together to work on a radiator or a baseboard heater.

Dock Building

Similar to fencing repairs, building something is a wonderful way to teach your kids self-reliance and give them a sense of accomplishment. This project will look a little different based on the age of your children, but even if you end up doing most of the work, having your kids keep you company while you walk them through the process still gives them valuable knowledge they can apply to their own projects later in life.

Building a dock from scratch gives you a chance to block out every part of the project with them, from the early planning stages all the way through to finish carpentry. By the end, you’ll have not just a new structure, but a well-rounded lesson about seeing things through as well.

Building Repairs

Basic building repairs are an excellent way to introduce your kids to DIY fixes. Start with simple things, like changing the batteries in a smoke detector, before moving on as they grow and can handle more complex topics and instructions. Remember that getting your kids involved doesn’t mean you have to have them do all the work. If you can, work together on larger projects to provide them with not only a safety net but some quality time with a parent as well.

These basic fixes are also a great time to teach them the proper way to use specific tools, such as a ladder. For example, make sure they understand that the base of the ladder has to be flat and stable before they start to climb, that they should keep three points of contact at all times, etc. before you let them move on to the next topic. You can also take this time to reinforce rules about being careful around electricity, such as when changing outlets or switches.

Roof Repairs

Roofing is a large topic and can be home to a long list of lessons and a lot of quality time if you know where to look. Getting your kids involved in roof repairs might be tricky depending on their age, but most children can at least keep a parent company while they plan a project or while they work. If your kids are older and can be on the roof with you safely, use this time to teach them what to look for on and around the roof of a house. Inspect the gutters, check the flashing, and look over the shingles to be sure everything is clean and in good shape.

This will not only teach them basic roofing skills, but also impart some important knowledge about what goes into homeownership and ways to make sure your home isn’t being damaged by something you could have easily noticed and fixed if you had known what to look for.

Asphalt Shingles

As an example of a project to involve your kids in, if your roof has asphalt shingles, you’ll likely need to inspect and possibly replace some of them as they age or if they’re damaged. This project can involve children of various ages depending on how involved you’d like them to be in the actual work. A very young child may only be able to assist in the planning stages of roofing, for safety reasons, but an older child may be able to help you carry tools, correctly set up a ladder, inspect the shingles, and possibly even replace them.

Roofing may seem like a very difficult thing to get children involved in, but children often feel empowered by even the smallest sense of having been helpful, especially if they’re younger or if larger projects are new to them. While it’s never a good idea to push children to do more than they’re ready to handle, many of them will be willing to jump in with repairs so long as you’re around to guide them through it.

Automotive Repair

Fixing simple issues with a car can help give a child or young adult a sense of self-reliance and an increased feeling of self-esteem. Even learning the basics of auto body repair can help jump-start a life-long love of working on cars and relying primarily on their own skills to solve problems.

As with everything else, start simple. Teach them how to change a flat tire and check the oil before you try to show them how to repair an engine, especially in a newer car. If you have older children, you can look into doing more physically intensive work, like body repair.

One of the biggest projects you can undertake with your children is that of restoring a car. While it’s not a project for the faint-hearted and is likely to take upwards of a thousand hours to be fully complete, it will not only give you and your kids a lot of memories and quality time, but the skills it teaches run the gamut from simple patience, to budgeting, to more hands-on work like repairing an engine or changing a flat tire.

Involving your kids in DIY repairs around the home early in their lives, and continuing the involvement as they grow is a wonderful way to teach them not only self-reliance and independence, but reinforce valuable skill sets they can use throughout their lives.

When it comes right down to it, there are many ways to involve others in your DIY repairs you know the sort of opportunities you want to look for. Are your children very young? Stick to simple fixes that involve only a few steps and don’t place them near anything too dangerous. If your children are slightly older, you can add in more complexity and teach them about things like electricity and HVAC systems. If your children are grown or nearly grown, you can involve them much like you would involve any other adult.

Never underestimate the value of long-form projects. Especially if your children are young now, get them involved in a long-form DIY project with you. This will not only give you a lot of quality time together over a number of years, but it will teach your child a long list of useful lessons, not the least of which are independence, self-reliance, and resiliency. Being able to realistically rely on their skill sets to solve their problems also often boosts self-esteem and helps children feel valued and helpful.

While you should always enlist help when a project is above your skill level, imparting a love of hard work and self-reliance in your children is far from a bad thing. Look for any opportunity you can to involve your children in your projects and give them a little of that self-esteem and confidence yourself. They’re sure to thank you for it when they’re older.