Just as the earth consistently spins on its axis, the world, including everything and everyone in it, steadily changes. Religion is too often a debate, but even more often, a question. Many families have come away from organized religion these days; however, surveys have shown that 56% of adults still consider religion to be a very important part of their lives. Another 82% feel that religion plays at least some kind of role for them.
There are an unending number of diverse congregations throughout the world, each one providing some type of stability and direction for its members. The percentage of people who steadily attend a weekly church service has consistently remained at 37% over time. Most of these say that a sunday worship gathering is their preferred service to attend.
Religion was, at one time, a very important consideration for couples who were thinking of getting married. These days, however, a partner’s religious affiliation or beliefs has taken a back seat to other regards when people begin a serious conversation about spending their lives together. About 27% of married people asked said that when considering marriage, their spouse’s religious affiliation was a very important factor. Another 51% did not consider their partner’s religion to be very important when making their decision.
In truth, many congregations nowadays are made up of a very diversified class of people. For instance, a nondenominational church usually consists of people from any and every background, religious as well as ethnic and career. Nondenominational congregations are a mix of religions that have all come together with one focus and a similar belief.
Many people continue on into adulthood following the religion they grew up as a part of. People will often carry forward with the same beliefs their parents instilled in them so that their own children will have the stability of religion in their lives growing up. Since the years between 1972 and 1976, statistically speaking, there has been a growth of over 400% in the number of protestants who consider themselves to be nondenominational in their beliefs.
Nondenominational congregations separate themselves from the traditions and many of the practices of organized religion. These types of churches are becoming more and more numerous with time. A church community can be a group of people who gather together to worship and share Bible teachings, usually headed by a pastoral leader. The congregation shares the same beliefs and finds strength and comfort in fellowshipping, or spending time together.
A church community, on a larger scale, is a group of churches in a town or city, not necessarily of the same religion, but are all there for the support and betterment of local residents. Their core beliefs could be the same, or similar; however, they are tolerant of each other’s opinions and differences, and accepting of each other’s way of thinking. Every so often they might come together for a special event within the community.
The word community goes deep, as does its meaning. As life has become busier and busier on a daily basis, many people have begun to put their focus in places that do not include anyone outside of their own small circle of family and friends. True community, however, is inclusive of a wider range of people and factors. A stranger visiting a place of worship for the first time could be searching for something they feel is lacking in their life. One person extending the hand of friendship to a new face could make all the difference. Drawing other people in with a smile is part of the unwritten definition of community.
A church community is about accepting others without judgment. Putting aside differences is not always an easy thing, but it will be a positive influence on someone else’s life. Because issues are a part of life, no one is exempt. A church community can be a place where people who are feeling the pressures and frustrations of their own problems can go to find the peace they need.
Community, in the true sense of the word, can also mean family. Family loves, accepts, and forgives. Being a part of a church community, in living up to its potential, will provide all of this for its members.