When you or somebody you love is receiving respite care in hospice, you may be confronted with a lot of stress and worries. You may be concerned about how they will be treated or feel worried about the longevity of their life. Instead of allowing these anxieties to continue to race around your mind, you may be better off reaching out to a local care and support hospice for some more advice on this process.
Whether the individual is receiving nurse care hospice or is being moved into a local home hospice, these establishments will be able to answer all of your burning questions with a sense of compassion and humility. They will also be able to debunk any myths surrounding hospice crisis care, giving you complete peace of mind that your loved one will be safe and secure regardless of the circumstances. Therefore, the patient is free to live out the rest of their life without having to fret about the quality of care they will receive whilst in hospice. As such, this article will unpack the nuances and intricacies of hospice care so that you can decide whether it’s the most suitable option for you and your family.
Caring for loved ones is a blessing. If you can have hospice at home or can you get palliative care at home it will make you feel better. Sometimes though, no matter how you try, you just can’t keep up with every commitment on your plate. Probably there are work deadlines jumping down your throat, or a flu bug constantly is making your six-year-old daughter sneeze up a storm, or a close friend is going through a tough time and they need your support and help.
At the end of the day, you just can’t attend to everything that needs your attention, including caring for an aged loved one who is experiencing an advanced life-limiting illness.
Fortunately and thankfully, hospice care is there for you to ensure that you are in good hands. Cancer and hospice go hand in hand so if you got cancer you can be catered for. Think of hospice caregivers as a helping hand in helping you care for those you love.
Here, in this article is what you need to know about what hospice and respite care entail and questions like can you leave hospice care? Can you have hospice at home?
You may have heard of hospice care but be unfamiliar with the details. You’re not alone. Many Americans have no reason to learn much about it until they or a loved one are in need of holistic hospices where they can get the help they need to make the most of life all the way to the end. Read on to learn more about hospices and what to expect.
Hospice History
The first hospices were set up in the 11th century by a religious order seeking to serve pilgrims on the road to Jerusalem. These early hospices served both as places to tend the sick and as places of hospitality for travelers. The word was first applied to specialized medical care by Dame Cicely Saunders. The first American legislation to provide funding for hospices was passed in 1974 by Senators Frank E. Moss and Frank Church.
The Use of Hospice
The majority of those who use holistic hospice care are over 65 years of age. In fact, the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) reports that in 2015 less than 6% of hospice patients were younger than 65. By 2030, it is estimated that over 20% of America’s population will be older than 65, so demand for holistic hospice care is growing.
Hospice and Medicare
Holistic hospice & respite care are some of the most important medical care anyone will ever need. Holistic care hospices are places where life is valued and the emphasis is on quality of life. With 58 million people enrolled in Medicare as of April 2017, it’s important to know that hospice care will be covered. In 2015, there were 1,381,182 people on Medicare enrolled in a hospice for at least 24 hours. The number of patients in hospice grew from 513,000 in the year 2000 to 1.4 million just five years later.
What Happens in Hospice
The first step to entering a holistic hospice is getting a referral from the hospital or physician most familiar with the case. Once that is done, a representative of the hospice generally visits within two days to explain procedures and protocol. The hospice is there to help the family make the most of life, so hospice staff are always on call and ready to help individuals and their families. Holistic hospices are also about taking care of the whole person, so the emotional, spiritual, and intellectual are cared for as much as the physical.
Hospice is there to make sure that a person can live a full life for their whole life. If you or someone you love is in need of full-time care, consider holistic hospices.