Every single year a large number of Americans will look to self storage companies for help when they need to stow away valuable items. These items can include high-end motorcycles, recreational vehicles like old school muscle cars, and even boats. These self storage companies are one of the strongest industries in America, even though many Americans are ignorant to the services they provide.
If you are someone that owns a recreational vehicle or a boat, and you need to store them away then you should look into using one of these storage companies. When storing your boat with a storage company, you will be able to experience the many benefits that come along with such a smart move. Here is what you need to know about self storage companies in the United States.
When you buy or rent a self storage unit, it will allow you to store a summer vehicle or high-end motorcycle during the winter months so that you can avoid weather-related damage. The unfavorable weather that comes along with winter can rust away your vehicle or boat, and thus it helps to have a safe location where you can store it. For many boat owners, a high-quality storage unit will give them a great space in which they can store their boat during the off-season when the effects of the weather could possibly damage the boat.
So if you are someone that owns a valuable automobile or a boat, make sure you rent a storage unit space with a reliable and professional self storage company. You should be able to find a storage unit that is clean, secure, and offers access for their customers all 7 days a week. Doing business with self storage companies gives you a personal and private space to secure valuable belongings.
Right now in the United States, there is an estimated number of 52,500 storage facilities across the nation. These storage facilities across the United States employ just about 172,000 people. The industry of self storage companies manages to generate around $22 billion dollars annually in revenue. If you need to rent a storage unit, there is no shortage of space as there are an estimated 2.3 billion square feet of ready to rent storage space currently located in the United States.
In every household in the United States, there is believed to be about 21 square feet of storage space. Between the years of 1995 and 2012, the number of Americans renting storage units has increased by 65%. The storage unit industry has managed to help contribute just about $3 billion in state and local taxes each year. Nearly 1 in 10 adults will use a storage unit in order to store a valuable item as of the year 2012.
More often than not, recreational vehicles will consume a lot of space and will require a lot of maintenance when left outdoors. Storing them in a secure storage unit will allow you to both free up space and will allow you to protect your valuable investments from any damage. When you want to rent a storage unit make sure that it is one that offers you access and convenience throughout out the week. Also, check out space inside to ensure it is clean and dry for your items of value.
If you want you can find self storage companies that offer storage units with drive up access. This will allow convenience in terms of loading and unloading valuable items because you will not have to walk long distances or upstairs. You can also find high-quality storage units that provide electronic gates. These types of storage units provide extra security just in case you believe that your valuable item is considered to be extra valuable by someone else.
In Conclusion
The storage unit is incredibly strong in the United States and there is no question that if you need a storage unit that you should definitely rent one. Seeing as how there are now self storage companies that offer electronic gates and security details for protection, your valuable item will be kept safe behind all of this extra security. There is no need to worry about anything being stolen.