After nearly a week of staying in hotels, you are finally moved into your new custom home.
As luck would have it, the buyers wanted your previous home immediately. That house had a pool in the backyard and the family that was buying wanted to make sure that they were able to enjoy the pool this summer. Fortunately, the buyers were willing to pay a price above what you were asking if you let them take possession immediately.
The one problem was that you were not able to take possession of your new home right away. In fact, none of the new custom homes that you were looking at would have been ready soon enough. Always the mom looking for fun solutions, however, you suggested to your husband that you sell the house, have the movers pack your belongings and store them, and head to the beach. Your logic was that this move was about getting back to the Jersey shore anyway, so why wait? The people buying your home wanted to take advantage of the pool, so why shouldn’t your family take advantage of the Jersey shores?
The scheduling was a little complicated, but it was a way for the family really relax before the major transition of moving into the home, getting the younger kids started in their schools, and sending the older kids back to college. Far from traditional, but it has been the best kind of summer for your family!
Are You Looking at Downsizing to a New Town Home?
Whether you are looking at new custom homes that sit on a large acreage or you are searching for housing for sale in an established housing development, the timing of the move can be complicated. Luxury homes can be especially challenging if you are moving from a far distance. The fact that new custom homes require special installations can, in fact, meant that it is difficult to accurately predict a move in time. Cookie cutter homes can be mass produced with little effort, but new custom homes take time, patience, and attention to detail.
Finding the right home can be a challenge and when you find the one you are looking for, you sometimes have to make adjustments to your schedule. The decision to sell your previous home before your new home is ready, for instance, can require extra planning. Sometimes the builder will have affordable access to temporary housing, but there is really very little you can do if your house is not ready when you are. Staying flexible and making the best of the situation can, however, make the move bearable. With the right kind of planning, in fact, the move can still be fun. Several families find that the chance to stay in a hotel for a few days, or rent an apartment for a few months, means that they can enjoy the new area and get to know the local attractions before they move into their finished custom home.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the moving industry and the process of buying a new home:
- 92% of people indicate that they use the Internet at some point in their home search.
- 501,000 homes sold in the U.S. in the year 2015.
- It may come as no surprise that as many as 52% of home buyers indicate that finding the right property is the most difficult part of buying a home. Taking school districts and work commutes into consideration are just two of the factors that can make finding the right location a challenge.
- Perhaps finding the right location is also difficult because where a home is located can also determine the proce and resale value of a house. Did you know, for instance, that the value of a home can be affected as much as 20% based on the quality of the school district.
- 48% of buyers look for homes that have never been lived in, according to Zillow. These buyers indicate they are interested in new homes because they are looking for ?energy-efficiency.?
- According to the statistics, we are a very mobile society. In fact, 63% of adults have moved to a new community at least once in their lives. Only 37% report that they have never left their hometowns.