If you are a homeowner without a home alarm system, you should know you are three times more likely to experience a home invasion or a burglary. Adt alarm systems act as a deterrent against burglars. Burglars that see a sign posted stating a home has an alarm system will move on to find easier targets. ADT alarms provide homeowners many different solutions to protect their home investments and family from criminals. For example, you have the option to install a wireless home alarm system. Before you decide to install ADT alarms, be sure to read reviews about ADT security services online. You can find wireless security system reviews in social media sites and business directories.
In the United States, the average arrest rate for burglaries is only 13 percent. As you can see, most burglars get away with their crimes. The average time a burglar spends in their home is from 90 seconds to 12 minutes, which is plenty of time to take valuable possessions. You should know most burglars target homes that are within two miles of their own residence. In fact, many burglars know their victims on a personal level. Wireless security companies offer plenty of solutions to deter criminals from breaking into your home. More information about ADT alarms is found on ADT websites.
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