Formed in 1850 by Allan Pinkerton, the Pinkerton National Detective Agency in one of the most well known of all detective agencies. Still in operation today, this agency does a lot of business in hiring out private detectives. There may be a lot of reasons to hire a private detective, but they do a lot of work in investigating insurance fraud.
By filing false insurance claims with the express intent of defrauding an insurance provider, a person is not only breaking the law, they are costing the insurance company and its other customers a lot of money by claiming advantage or benefits to which they are not actually entitled. If an insurance company suspects a claimant of fraud, they may hire private detectives to investigate the matter.
The private investigator may search multiple databases to which the general public does not have access to determine if the claims of the person suspected of fraud are consistent. Private detectives may be looking for email or medical records which might indicate that the person has filed a fraudulent claim. Paper trails can be hard to erase completely and a trained investigator may be able to find something to determine the validity or fraudulence of an insurance claim.
Private detectives may also be hired to do surveillance on someone suspected of fraudulence. If the claimant is collecting insurance for a broken leg but is later seen at the gym on a treadmill, he is going to be in a lot of trouble. While it may seem like a simple task to watch someone, doing so without being noticed and being able to follow the target with losing thetrack can be difficult to master. Reputable private detectives have received training in surveillance and pursuit tactics to maintain the quality and integrity of their investigations. When looking for a private detective or fraud examiner Miami may have a wide number to choose from to meet any investigative need.